sol: sun; sunshine; treasure; little angel; the cheapest seats in a bullring; sol; G; soh
solamente: only; solely
solana sunny place; sun gallery
solano: easterly wind; hot wind
solapa: lapel; flap; pretence; dissembling
solapado: secret; sly; cunning; hypocritical; underhand; sneaky
solapar: to overlap; to conceal; to hide; to cloak; to put lapels on
solar: solar; sun; ancestral; plot of land; ancestral home; noble house or lineage
solariego: ancestral; pertaining to a noble house or lineage
solario: solarium
solarium: solarium
solaz: form of entertainment; form of relaxation; solace; comfort; relief; recreation
solazar: to amuse; to entertain; to solace; to comfort
solazarse: to amuse oneself; to solace oneself
soldadesco: soldierly; soldierlike
soldado: soldier
soldador: welder; soldering solderer; iron; blowtorch
soldadora: welding
soldadura: welding; soldering; weld; solder; soldered joint; welded joint
soldar: to weld; to solder; to unite; to mend
soldarse: to weld together; to knit
soleá: type of flamenco dance and song
soleado: sunny
soledad: solitude; loneliness; sorrow; bereavement; Andalusian tune, song and dance
solemne: solemn; downright; absolute; great
solemnidad: solemnity; formality; seriousness; gravity; festivity
solemnizar: to solemnize
soler: to be accustomed to; to be wont to; to use to
solera: traditional character; vintage; sundress; girder; stone base; nether millstone; bottom of a
furnace; mother of wine
solfear: to sol-fa; to solmizate; to beat; to drub
solfeo: sol-fa; sol-faing; solmization; beating; drubbing
solicitado: sought after; much in demand; popular
solicitante: applicant; petitioner
solicitar: to request; to ask for; to solicit; to beg; to seek after; to court; to woo; to invite; to
solícito: attentive; solicitous; diligent; careful
solicitud: solicitude; diligence; care; petition; demand; request; application form; application;
attentiveness; care
solidaridad: solidarity, common cause
solidario: solidary; supportive; of solidarity; jointly liable
solidarizarse: to become solidary; to make common cause
solidez: solidity; firmness; strength; soundness; fastness
solidificarse: to solidify
solidificarse: to solidify
sólido: solid; substantial; strong; secure; sound; well-founded; fast
soliloquio: soliloquy
solista: soloist
solitaria: tapeworm
solitario: alone; solitary; lone; deserted; lonely; secluded; loner; hermit; patience; solitaire
soliviantar: to stir up; to incite to revolt; to irritate; to annoy