English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

suburbial: suburban
suburbio: working class area; suburb
subvención: subsidy; subvention
subvencionar: to subsidize
subversión: subversion
subversivo: subversive
subvertir: to subvert; to undermine
subyacente: underlying; subjacent
subyacer: to underlie
subyugación: subjugation
subyugar: to subjugate; to subdue; to captivate
succión: suction
succionar: to suck; to suck up; to suck in
sucedáneo: substitute; succedaneous; succedaneum
suceder: to happen; to follow; to succeed
sucederse: to follow one another
sucedido: episode; event; happening
sucesión: succession; series; heirs; issue; offspring
sucesivo: successive; consecutive; en lo sucesivo: in the future
suceso: event; happening; issue; outcome; course; sucesos: section of newspaper devoted to
crimes and accidents
sucesor: successor; heir
suciedad: dirt; filth; dirtiness; filthiness; obscenity
sucinto: concise; succinct; brief; scanty
sucio: dirty; filthy; foul; unclean; soiled; stained; untidy; slovenly; shady; underhand; unfairly;
tainted with guilt or sin; obscene; blurred; foul
sucre: sucre
suculento: succulent; tasty; juicy; nourishing
sucumbir: to succumb; to give in; to perish; to die; to lose a suit
sucursal: branch
sudaca: pejorative term for South American
sudadera: sweatshirt; sweat
Sudáfrica: South Africa
sudafricano: South African
Sudamérica: South America
sudamericano: South American
Sudán: Sudan
sudanés: Sudanese
sudar: to sweat; to perspire; to work hard; to toil; to exude; to make sweaty
sudario: shroud; winding sheet
sudeste: southeast; southeastern; southeasterly
sudista: Southerner; Confederate
sudoeste: southwest; southwestern; southwesterly
sudor: sweat; perspiration; exudation; toil; cold sweat
sudoroso: sweaty; sweating; perspiring freely
Suecia: Sweden
sueco: Swedish; Swede; hacerse el sueco: to act dumb; to pretend not to hear
suegra: mother-in-law
suegro: father-in-law
suela: sole; leather
sueldo: salary; wages; pay; sol

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