sultanato: sultanate
suma: addition; sum; total; collection; substance
sumamente: extremely; exceedingly; highly
sumando: addend; number to be added
sumar: to add; to join; to come to; to total; to amount to
sumarse: to join; to be added to
sumario: brief; summary; abstract; contents; indictment
sumarísimo: swift; expeditious
sumergible: waterproof; submarine; submersible
sumergir: to immerse; to submerge; to sink
sumergirse: to submerge; to plunge; to dive; to become absorbed
sumidero: drain; sewer; sink; sump
suministrar: to supply; to provide; to furnish
suministro: supply; provision; providing; supplying
sumir: to sink; to submerge; to plunge; to engulf
sumirse: to sink; to plunge; to be engulfed; to be sunken; to become absorbed; to lose oneself
sumisión: submission; submissiveness; meekness
sumiso: submissive; docile; humble; obedient
súmmum: the limit; the highest degree
sumo: supreme; extreme; very great or mush; greatest; highest; utmost; sumo wrestling; a lo
sumo: at most
sunní: Sunni
sunnita: Sunni
suntuario: luxurious; sumptuary
suntuoso: sumptuous; gorgeous; magnificnet
supe: saber
supeditar: to subordinate; to reduce to subjection
súper: super; fantastic; four-star; supermarket
superable: surmountable; superable
superación: overcoming
superar: to exceed; to surpass; to excel; to overcome; to surmount
superarse: to improve oneself
superautopista: superhighway
superávit: surplus
superchería: mumbo jumbo; trick; fraud; deceit; humbug
superconductor: superconductor
superdotado: highly talented; exceptionally gifted
superestructura: superstructure
superficial: superficial; shallow
superficialidad: superficiality
superficie: surface; superficies; area
superfluo: superfluous; expenditure; unwanted
superíndice: superscript
superior: upper; top; better; superior; finer; higher; magnificent; excellent
superiora: mother superior
superioridad: superiority; superiorness
superlativo: superlative; surpassing; highest
supermercado: supermarket
superpetrolero: supertanker
superpoblación: overpopulation; overcrowding
superpoblado: overpopulated; overcrowded