suelo: ground; earth; floor; pavement; soil; land; world; bottom; underside; dregs; lees; sediment
suelto: loose; separate; odd; detached; small change; article; light; swift; easy; agile; nimble;
flowing; fluent; single copy; blank verse; soltar
suena, sueño, suene: sonar
sueño: sleepiness; drowsiness; sleep; dream; soñar
suero: whey; serum
suerte: luck; fortune; chance; hazard; destiny; fate; lot; situation; state; sort; kind; class; manner;
way; each of the manoeuvres carried out by a bullfighter during a tercio
suertudo: lucky
suéter: sweater
suficiencia: smugness; arrogance; proficiency; aptitude; ability; efficiency
suficiente: enough; smug; arrogant; pass; sufficient; sufficing; able; capable
sufijo: suffix; suffixed
sufragar: to pay; to defray; to iad; to assist; to vote
sufragio suffrage; help; assistance; vote; prayer for the dead
sufragismo: suffragette movement
sufragista: suffragist; suffragette
sufrido: long-suffering; hardwearing; longlasting; enduring; patient; complacent
sufrimiento: suffering; bearing; endurance; tolerance
sufrir: suffer; to suffer; to endure; to bear up, to permit; to tolerate; to undergo; to take
sugerencia: suggestion; hint
sugerente: suggestive
sugerir: to suggest; to hint
sugestión: suggestion
sugestionar: to influence; to hypnotize
sugestionarse: to convince oneself
sugestivo: attractive
sugiero: sugerir
suicida: suicidal; suicide
suicidarse: to commit suicide; to destroy oneself
suicidio: suicide; self-murder
suite: suite
Suiza: Switzerland
suizo: Swiss; bun
sujeción: subjection; fastening; bond; accordance; submission; obedience
sujetador: bra; brassiere; holder; fastener; clamp; clip
sujetalibros: bookend
sujetapapeles: paperclip
sujetar: to hold; to check; to restrain; to fasten; to catch; to grasp; to attach; to tie; to fix; to
control; to keep in check; to subject; to subdue
sujetarse: to be kept in place; to submit; to be subjected; to conform to
sujeto: secure; fastened; held; grasped; attached; matter; subject; person; individual
sulfatar: to spray with copper; to sulphate; to sulfate
sulfato: sulphate; sulfate
sulfurar: to infuriate; to anger; to incense; to sulphurate
sulfurarse: to lose one's temper; to get angry; to get furious
sulfúrico: sulphuric; sulfuric
sulfuro: sulphide; sulfide
sulfuroso: sulphurous; sulfurous
sultán: sultan
sultana: sultana; sultaness