English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


taba: anklebone; knucklebone
tabacal: tobacco plantation; tobacco field
tabacalera: tobacco company
tabacalero: tobacco; tobacco grower or dealer
tabaco: tobacco; cigarettes; snuff; cigar; tobacco-coloured; mid-brown; black rot
tábano: horsefly; gadfly
tabaquera: tobacco tin; tobacco pouch; snuff box; bowl of a tobacco pipe
tabaquero: tobacco; tobacconist; cigar maker
tabaquismo: nicotine poisoning; tobaccoism
tabarra: nuisance; bore
tabasco: Tabasco
taberna: tavern; inn; public house; wine shop; saloon
tabernario: coarse; low; vulgar
tabernero: tavern; keeper; innkeeper
tabicar: to wall up; to brick up; to close up
tabique: partition wall; bone of the nose; septum
tabla: board; surfboard; sailboard; seat; pleat; table; panel; plank; slab; tablet; strip of land;
tablas: stage; tie; barrier
tablado: platform; stage; scaffold; flooring; stage boards
tablao: flamenco bar; flamenco show
tableado: pleated
tablero: top; board; slab; panel; table top; chessboard; backboard; notice board; bulletin board;
dashboard; shop counter; floor of a bridge; wooden blackboard
tableta: bar; tablet; lozenge; pastil; pastille; small board; floor board
tabloide: tabloid
tablón: plank; plank; strake; notice board; bulletin board
tabú: taboo
tabulación: tabulation
tabulador: tab; tabulator
tabular: to tabulate; tabular
taburete: stool; tabouret
tacada: shot; break; stroke
tacañear: to be mean or stingy
tacañería: meanness; stinginess; niggardliness
tacaño: mean; stingy; miser; skinflint; niggardly; closefisted; niggard
tacatá, tacataca: baby walker
tacha: flaw; fault; defect; blemish
tachadura: deletion; crossing out
tachar: to cross out; to cancel; to strike out; to accuse; to censure; to find a fault or defect in or
tachero: taxi driver; cabbie
tacho: metal bowl; empty can; empty tin; taxi; cab
tachón: deletion; erasure; crossing out; stud; ornamental tack; short piece of ribbon or braid
tachonado: studded
tachuela: tack; stud; hobnail
tácito: unspoken; tacit; silent
taciturno: silent; withdrawn; glum; gloomy; taciturn
taco: stud; cleat; heel; wad; cube; taco; cue; swearword; profane oath; muddle; plug; short and

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