English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

thick piece of wood; wad; ramrod; popgun; almanac pad; picker in a loom; tacos: years
tacómetro: tachometer
tacón: heel
taconazo: click; back-heel; blow with the shoe heel
taconear: to tap one's heels; to stamp one's heels
táctica: tactics; tactic
táctico: tactical; tactician
táctil: tactile
tacto: touch; sense of touch; feel; tact; touching; feeling
taekwondo: tae kwon do
tafetán: taffeta
tafia: low quality rum; tafia
tafilete: morocco leather
tahona: bakery; baker's shop
tahur: gambler; gamester; card-sharp
taiga: taiga
tailandés: Thai
Tailandia: Thailand
taimado: cunning; crafty; astute; sullen; stubborn
taita: dad; daddy; term for someone in authority; thug
Taiwan: Taiwan
taiwanés: Taiwanese
tajada slice; piece; share; cut; hoarseness; coger una tajada: to get drunk
tajamar: breakwater; cutwater; dike; dam
tajante: categorical; cutting; sharp; peremptory
tajear: to slash
Tajo: Tagus
tajo: cut; incision; step cliff; gorge; cutting edge; work; chopping board; three-legged rustic
stool; line of progress
tal: such; such a; someone; such a thing; con tal de que: as long as; provided; tal para cual:
two of a kind; qué tal?: how do you do?
tala: felling of trees; destruction; havoc; tipcat; cat
taladradora: drill
taladrar: to drill a hole in; to bore; to perforate; to punch; to pierce; to penetrate
taladro: drill; auger; boring instrument; drill hole
tálamo: nuptial bed; bridal chamber; thalamus; receptacle
talante: mood; temper; willingness; mode or manner of doing anything; mien; countenance;
will; wish; pleasure; de buen talante: in a good mood
talar: to fell; to chop down; to destroy; to lay waste; long, reaching to the ankles
talco: talcum powder; talc; tinsel
talego: sack; bag; jail; slammer; a thousand pesetas
talento: talent; talented person
talentoso: talented; able; clever
talgo: express train
talidomida: thalidomide
talio: thallium
talismán: talisman
talla: size; height; stature; standing; carving; engraving; cutting; round
tallar: to carve; to engrave; to cut; to measure the height of; to appraise; to tax; to impose tax on;
to be the banker

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