teatral: stage; theatre; theatrical
teatralizar: to dramatize
teatro: theatre; theatre; stage; show
tebeo: comic
teca: teak; teakwood; theca
techado: roof; roofed; covered
techo: ceiling; roof; covering; upper limit
techumbre: roof; roofing
tecla: key; delicate point
teclado: keyboard
teclear: to key; to type; to be doing badly; to drum with the fingers
teclista: keyboard operator; keyboarder; keyboard player
técnica: technique; technic; method; technology
tecnicismo: technical term; technicism
técnico: technical; technician; engineer
tecnócrata: technocrat
tecnología: technology
tecnológico: technological
tedio: boredom; tedium; tediousness; loathing
tedioso: boring; tedious; disgusting
Teherán: Teheran; Tehran
teja: roof tile; pantile; gutter tile; shovel hat; linden tree
tejadillo: sloping roof; small roof; roof of a carriage
tejado: roof; tiled roof
tejano: Texan; tejanos: jeans
Tejas: Texas
tejedor: weaver; weaving; water skipper; water strider
tejedora: knitting machine
tejemaneje: scheme; shady deal; address; skilful management; intriguing
tejer: to weave; to crochet; to knit; to spin; to braid; to plaid; to interweave; to wreathe; to
devise; to put together; to fabricate
tejido: fabric; material; tissue; web; knitting; woven; knit; braided; weave; texture
tejo: piece of roof tile; hopscotch; disk; quoit; pillow block; socket-plate; yew; yew tree
tejón: badger; gold ingot
tela: material; cloth; fabric; stuff; film; canvas; painting; dough; skin; pellicle; membrane;
subject; something to talk about
telar: loom; gridiron; sewing press; telares: textile mill
telaraña: spider's web; cobweb; flimsy thing
tele: the telly; the tube; television set
telecabina: cable car
telecomunicaciones: telecommunications
telecontrol: remote control
telediario: news; news bulletin
teledirigido: remote-controlled
teledirigir: to operate by remote control
telefax: fax; telefax
teleférico: cable car
telefonazo: call
telefonear: to telephone; to phone
telefónico: telephone; phone
telefonillo: Entryphone