English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

todo: all; every; each; the whole of; everything; everyone; everybody; all of them; entirely
todopoderoso: omnipotent; all-powerful; almighty
todoterreno: four-wheel drive
tofe: toffee
toga: gown; robe; toga
Togo: Togo
togolés: Togolese
Tokio: Tokyo
toldo: awning; sunshade; tarpaulin; canopy; tilt; hut; pride; pump
toledano: inhabitant of Toledo; Toledan
tolerable: tolerable; bearable; sufferable
tolerancia: tolerance; toleration
tolerante: tolerant
tolerar: to tolerate; to bear; to suffer; to put up with
toma: take; taking; receiving; assuming; capture; dose; power point; outlet; intake; inlet; tap;
irrigation ditch; shooting; filming; shot
tomado: husky; drunk
tomadura: taking; tomadura de pelo: fun made of one; hoax; pulling one's leg
tomar: to catch; to take; to have; to seize; to catch; to acquire; to go or turn in a specified
direction; to drink; to occupy; to steal; to choose; to buy; to borrow; to assume; to gather
tomarse: to have; to take
tomate: tomato; tomato sauce; tener tomate: to be a tricky issue
tomatera: tomato plant
tomavistas: cine camera; movie camera
tómbola: tombola; charity raffle
tomillo: thyme
tomo: volume; tome; de tomo y lomo: great; important
ton: sin ton ni son: for no reason at all; without motive or cause
tonada: song; tune
tonadilla: light-hearted Spanish folk song
tonal: tonal
tonalidad: tonality
tonel: cask; barrel; tun
tonelada: metric ton; tonne
tonelaje: tonnage
toner, tóner: toner
tongo: fix; trick of a player who engages to lose for a bribe
tónica: tonic water; tonic; stressed syllable
tónico: tonic; invigorating
tonificar: to invigorate; to refresh; to tone up
tonillo: accent; sarcastic tone; singsong; monotonous tone
tono: tone; pitch; key; mode; shade; class; step; diapason normal; vigour; energy; tune; sing;
tontada: foolishness; stupidity; silly; silliness; nonsense; little thing; flattering remark
tontaina: foolish; silly; fool
tontear: to fool about; to flirt; to talk nonsense
tontería: foolishness; stupidity; silly silliness; nonsense; trifle; little thing; flattering remark
tonto: silly; foolish; dull; stupid; nonsensical; dolt; fool; a tontas y a locas: recklessly;
top: top
topacio: topaz

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