treinta: thirty; thirtieth
treintañero: in his thirties
treintavo: thirtieth
treintena: thirty; about thirty
tremebundo: frightful; awful; dreadful; fearful
tremenda: tomárselo a la tremenda: to make a drama out of everything
tremendo: tremendous; fearful; awful; imposing; very naughty; terrible
trémulo: quavering; wavering; flickering
tren: train; set; gear; outfit; show; ostentation; speed; fury; tren de aterrizaje: landing gear
trena: slammer; jail
trenca: duffle coat; crosstree in a beehive; main root
trenza: plait; braid; tress
trenzar: to plait; to braid; to tress; to perform entrechats; to prance
trepa: social climber; climbing; tumble; perforation; grain; trick; deceit; fraud; beating; drubbing
trepador: social climber; climbing; rambling
trepar: to climb; to clamber; to creep; to bore; to perforate; to put a waving trimming on
treparse: to climb
trepidante: trembling; vibrating; mad
trepidar: to shake; to vibrate; to tremble; to hesitate
tres: three; third; tres en raya: noughts and crosses
trescientos: three hundred; three-hundredth
tresillo: three-seater settee; three-piece suit; ombre; triplet
treta: ploy; ruse; trick; wile; feint
trezavo: thirteenth
trial: cross-country motorbike trial
triangular: triangular; to triangulate
triángulo: triangle; triangular
tribal: tribal
tribu: tribe
tribulación: tribulation; difficulty; affliction
tribuna: tribune; platform; rostrum; forum; grandstand; gallery; tribuna de prensa: press
tribunal: tribunal; court; examination board; board of examiners
tributar: to pay in tax; to show; to pay taxes; to pay; to render
tributario: tax; taxpaying; tributary
tributo: tax; price; tribute; duty; imposition; pecuniary burden
triceps: triceps
triciclo: tricycle
tricolor: tricolour; tricolor
tricornio: three-cornered hat
tricotar: to knit
tricotosa: knitting machine
tridente: trident; tridentate
tridimensional: three-dimensional
trienal: three-yearly; triennial; three-year
trienio: three-year period; three-yearly increment; triennium
trifulca: row; argument; squabble
trigal: wheat field
trigésimo: thirtieth
trigo: wheat; dough; money
trigonometría: trigonometry