English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

to trump
triunfo: victory; triumph; success; trump card
trivial: trivial; unimportant; commonplace; trite
trivialidad: triviality; triteness
triza: bit; shred; fragment; hacer trizas: to smash to pieces
trocar: to barter; to trade; to change; to exchange; to turn; to convert; to take or say a thing for
another; trocar
trocarse: to change; to turn
trocear: to cut up; to divide into pieces
trocha: track; cross path; narrow path
troche: a troche y moche: in a disorderly way; recklessly
trofeo: trophy; victory; triumph
trola: fib; whopper; lie; deception
trolebús: trolleybus
trolero: fibber; liar; lying
tromba: cloudburst; sudden downpour; avalanche; rush; waterspout
trombón: trombone; trombonist
trombosis: thrombosis
trompa: proboscis; trunk; mouth; tube; horn; top; trump: trumpet; horn player; drunk; plastered;
waterspout; projecting vault
trompada: punch; blow with a top; blow with the trunk; hard blow or knock
trompazo: bump; bang
trompear: to punch
trompearse: to have a fight
trompeta: trumpet; bugle; trumpeter; bugler
trompetilla: ear trumpet; small trumpet
trompetista: trumpeter; trumpet player
trompicón: stumble
trompo: spinning top; whipping top; top; dolt; top shell
tronado: crazy; nuts; used; worn out; decayed; ruined; impoverish
tronar: to thunder; to rumble; to become ruined
tronchante: hilarious; hysterical
tronchar: to break off; to shatter; to put an end to
troncharse: to break off; to get broken off; to laugh one's head off; to fall about laughing
troncho: stalk; stem
tronco: trunk; log; billet; line of ; descent; stock; origin; mate; buddy; truncated object; frustrum;
team of two horses
tronera: pocket; small window; loophole; embrasure; port; porthole; harum-scarum
trono: throne
tropa: troop; herd; crowd; people of no account; soldiers; assembly
tropel: mob; crowd; jumble; heap; throng; rush; hurry; bustle; confusion
tropelía: outrage; injustice; hurry; confusion
tropero: herdsman
tropezar: to trip; to slip; to err; to stumble; to knock; to strike; to quarrel with
tropezarse: to run into; to interfere
tropezón: stumble; trip; slip; fault; hitch; difficulty; mishap; stumbling block; quarrel;
dissension; small piece of ham or bread added to soup
tropical: tropical; tropic
trópico: tropic; tropical; figurative
tropiezo: stumble; trip; fault; mishap; hitch; difficulty; problem; slip; mistake; stumbling block;
quarrel; dissension; tropezar

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