ventero: innkeeper; scenting
ventilación: ventilation; discussion; elucidation
ventilador: electric fan; vent; ventilator
ventilar: to ventilate; to air; to clear up; to discuss; to elucidate; to sort out; to reveal; to make
ventilarse: to air; to be aired; to be cleared up; to polish off; to bump off
ventisca: blizzard; snowstorm; snowdrift
ventisquero: height in a mountain most exposed to snowstorms; blizzard; snowdrift; glacier
ventolera: gust; sudden impulse; whim; pinwheel; vanity; haughtiness
ventosa: sucker; suction cup; sucker
ventosidad: wind; gas; flatulence; windiness
ventoso: windy; wind-swept; flatulent
ventrículo: ventricle
ventrílocuo: ventriloquist
ventura: happiness; luck; fortune; chance; hazard; risk; por ventura: perhaps
venturoso: happy; lucky; fortunate
Venus: Venus
ver: appearance; looks; aspect; opinion; way of thinking; sight; sense of sight; to see; to watch;
to look at; to find; to visit; to try to
verse: to see each other; to be; to find oneself; to look; to be seen
vera: side; edge; bank; border
veracidad: truthfulness; veracity
veranda: veranda; verandah
veraneante: holidaymaker; summer vacationist; summer resident
veranear: to spend one's summer holidays; to summer
veraneo: summer holidays; summer vacation
veraniego: summery; summer; sickly in summer; light; unimportant
veranillo: veranillo de San Martín: Indian summer
verano: summer
veras: truth; reality; earnestness; de veras: really; real; genuine; indeed; in earnest
veraz: truthful; veracious
verbal: verbal; oral
verbena: verbena; vervain; street party held on the eve of a saint's day
verbo: verb; word
verborrea: verbal diarrhoea; excessive verbosity
verdad: truth; decir cuatro verdades: to give a piece of one's mind; de verdad: seriously
verdadero: true; real; genuine; actual, veracious; truthful
verde: green; unripe; immature; young; risky; off-colour; green barley or grass; verdure; foliage;
bawdy; poner verde: to rake over the coals
verdemar: sea-green
verderón: greenfinch
verdor: greenness; green colour; verdure; verdancy; freshness; vigour
verdoso: greenish
verdugo: executioner; hangman; tyrant; cruel punisher or tormenter; shoot; sucker; slender
rapier; scourge; lash; switch; wale; weal; welt; balaclava
verdulería: greengrocer's shop
verdulero: greengrocer; coarse woman; fishwife
verdura: vegetable; greenness; verdure; verdancy; foliage; greens; vegetables
vereda: path; footpath; pavement; sidewalk
veredicto: verdict
verga: yard; dick; penis; steel bow of a crossbow