vergel: area rich in vegetation, specially fruit trees; flower and fruit garden
vergonzoso: shameful; disgraceful; scandalous; shy; timid; bashful person; private parts
vergüenza: shame; embarrassment; disgrace; bashfulness; shyness; confusion; modesty; honour;
self-respect; dignity; vergüenzas: private parts
vericueto: twist of a path; rough and pathless place
verídico: true; truthful; veridical
verificar: to verify; to check; to test; to accomplish; to carry out
verificarse: to take place; to come true; to be accomplished
verja: railings; iron gate; iron railing
vermú: vermouth
vermut: vermouth
vernáculo: vernacular
verosímil: plausible; credible; likely; probable; verisimilar
verraco: boar
verruga: wart; verruca; nuisance
versado: versed; knowledgeable; conversant
versar: to turn; to go around; versar acerca de: to deal with; to treat of or on
versátil: versatile; fickle
versículo: verse in the Bible; versicle
versificar: to write verse; to put into verse; to versify
versión: version; translation
verso: verse; line; poem; versicle; versed
vértebra: vertebra
vertebrado: vertebrate; vertebrated
vertebral: spinal; vertebral
vertedero: dump; tip; sink; dumping place; spillway
verter: to pour; to spill; to shed; to cast; to empty; to dump; to translate; to express; to emit; to
utter; to run; to flow
vertical: vertical
vértice: vertex; apex
vertido: dumping; waste
vertiente: slope; aspect; side; spring; pouring; flowing
vertiginoso: vertiginous; dizzy; giddy; rapid
vértigo: vertigo; dizziness; giddiness; abnormally hurried activity; hustle and bustle; fit of
vesícula: vesicle; small blister; vesícula biliar: gall bladder
vespertino: evening; vespertine; evening paper
vestíbulo: hall; lobby; foyer; vestibule
vestido: dress; garb; costume; suit; clothes; clothing; vesture; covering
vestidor: changing room
vestidura: clothes; clothing; vesture; vestments
vestigio: vestige; trace; sign
vestimenta: clothes; clothing
vestir: to dress; to wear; to clothe; to garb; to attire; to make clothes for; to cover; to deck; to
adorn; to cloak; to disguise; to look smart
vestirse: to get dressed; to dress; to be covered
vestuario: clothes; wardrobe; dress; apparel; clothing; uniform; changing room; dressing room
veta: seam; vein; lode; streak; stripe
vetar: to veto; to put one's veto on
veteranía: seniority
veterano: veteran