vidorra: easy life
vidriera: stained-glass window; shop window; glass partition; shopwindow
vidrio: glass
vidrioso: glazed; glassy; touchy; brittle; slippery
vieira: scallop
viejo: old; aged; ancient; antique; old-fashioned; old person; old man; dad; mum; mom
Viena: Vienna
vienés: Viennese
viento: wind; wind instruments; wind section; guy rope; smell; sense of smell; windage
vientre: abdomen; belly; paunch; venter; stomach; bowels; womb
viernes: Friday; viernes santo: Good Friday
vierto, vierta: verter
Vietnam: Vietnam
vietnamita: Vietnamese
viga: beam; girder; joist; baulk; rafter
vigencia: relevance; validity; state of being in force or use
vigente: relevant; valid; in force; in effect; in use
vigésimo: twentieth
vigía: lookout; watch; watchtower; rock; shoal
vigilancia: surveillance; observance; vigilance; watchfulness; watching
vigilante: vigilant; watchful; careful; guard; watchman; attendant; keeper
vigilar: to watch; to invigilate; to proctor; to keep watch
vigilia: wakefulness; vigil; night study; eve; abstinence of meat
vigor: vigour; vigor; force; effect
vigoroso: vigorous; strong; lusty
vigués: inhabitant of Vigo
vikingo: Viking
vil: vile; despicable; base; mean; low; worthless; treacherous person
vileza: vileness; baseness; infamy; despicable act
vilipendiar: to vilify; to revile; to vilipend; to denigrate
villa: villa; town; market town; council town
villancico: Christmas carol
villano: villain; villein; rustic; peasant; knave; scoundrel; rustic; impolite; base; despicable; of
humble birth
vilo: en vilo: suspended; in the air
vinagre: vinegar; grouch
vinagrera: vinegar bottle; sorrel; heartburn; vinagreras: cruet
vinagreta: vinaigrette sauce
vinajera: cruet
vincha: hairband
vinculación: link; connection; tying; attaching; entailment
vincular: to link; to connect; to bind; to tie; to attach; to ground; to found; to entail
vínculo: link; connection; vinculum; tie; bond; entail
vine: venir
vinícola: wine; winegrowing
vinicultor: wine producer; viticulturist
vinicultura: wine production; viniculture; wine-making
viniera, viniese: venir
vinilo: vinyl
vino: wine; venir