English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

veterinaria: veterinary medicine
veterinario: veterinary; veterinary surgeon; veterinarian
veto: veto
vetusto: very ancient or old
vez: time; turn; stead; place; una vez: once; dos veces: twice; en vez de: instead of
vi: ver
vía: route; way; path; road; street; track; line; channel; duct; process; via; by way of; way;
manner; tract; vía de agua: leak; Vía Láctea: Milky Way
viabilidad: viability; feasibility; practicability
viable: viable; feasible; practicable
viaducto: viaduct
viajante: commercial traveller; commercial representative; travelling
viajar: to travel; to journey; to voyage
viaje: trip; journey; travel; obliquity; load; viaje de ida y vuelta: round trip
viajero: traveller; passenger; travelling
vianda: food; viands
viandante: passer-by; traveller; itinerant; tramp
viario: road
víbora: viper
vibración: vibration; quivering
vibrador: dildo
vibrante: vibrant; thrilled
vibrar: to vibrate; to roll; to quiver; to tremble; to shake
vibratorio: vibratory
vicaría: post of vicar; vicarage; vicarship
vicario: vicar
vicepresidente: vice president; deputy prime minister; deputy chairman
viceversa: vice versa; illogical thing
vichar: to peep; to take a peep
viciar: to get into a bad habit; to vitiate; to corrupt; to deprave; to adulterate; to nullify; to
pervert; to misconstrue
viciarse: to get into bad habits; to become vitiated
vicio: vice; defect; bad habit; overindulgence; pampering; excessive luxuriance; warping;
quejarse de vicio: to complain out of reason
vicioso: depraved; profligate; vicious; spoiled; abundant; luxuriant; vicious person
vicisitud: vicissitude
víctima: victim
victoria: victory; victoria
victoriano: Victorian
victorioso: victorious
vicuña: vicuña; vicuna
vid: vine; grapevine
vida: life; living; livelihood; activity; animation; liveliness; mi vida: my love
vidente: clairvoyant; seer; prophet; sighted person; seeing; sighted
vídeo: video; video recorder
videocámara: camcorder; video camera
videocasete: video casette
videoclub: video shop
videograbadora: video recorder
videojuego: video game
videoteca: video library

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