zacate: hay; fodder; grass; scourer
zafado: cheeky; forward; impudent
zafaduría: nerve; cheek
zafarrancho: clearing of the decks; mess; row; shindy; breaking; destruction; zafarrancho de
combate: call to action stations
zafarse: to escape; to come untied or undone; to dislocate
zafio: rough; uncouth; course; clumsy; rustic; ignorant
zafiro: sapphire
zafra: oil container; drip pan; sugar harvest; sugar-making season; rubbish
zaga: defence; rear; back part; load in the rear of a carriage
zagal: lad; youth; girl; shepherd; assistant of the driver of a stagecoach; underskirt
zaguán: hall; hallway; entry; entrance-hall; vestibule
zaguero: back; rear; hind; lagging behind; backstop
zaherir: to hurt; to humiliate; to taunt; to blame; to upbraid
zahones: chaps
zahorí: clairvoyant; water diviner; perspicacious person
zahúrda: pigsty; pigpen
zaíno: insincere; false; treacherous; bay; black; dark-chestnut; vicious
Zaire: Zaire
zaireño: Zairean
zalamería: flattery; blandishment; cajolery
zalamero: flatterer; smooth talker; caresser; cajoler; honeyed; caressing; flattering
zalema: flattery; bow; curtsy; salaam
zamacuco: sly and crafty devil; dolt; blockhead; drunk; drunken fit
zamarra: sheepskin jacket
zamba: popular dance from Argentina and Uruguay
Zambia: Zambia
zambiano: Zambian
zambo: knock-kneed person; born of an Indian and a Negro
zambomba: drum-type instrument; wow
zambombazo: thump; explosion; bang
zambra: type of gypsy dance; noise; racket; merrymaking
zambullida: dive; plunge; ducking
zambullir: to dip; to submerge; to dive; to plunge; to duck
zambullirse: to dive; to immerse oneself; to go underwater; to be engrossed; to immerse oneself;
to dive; to hide
zamorano: inhabitant of Zamora
zampabollos: glutton; greedy guts
zampar: to gobble up; to stuff oneself
zamparse: to wolf down; to gobble up
zampatortas: glutton; greedy guts; boor; rustic
zampoña: panpipes; rustic flute; reed pipe
zanahoria: carrot
zanca: leg; shank; string; stringboard
zancada: long stride
zancadilla: trip; obstacle; snare; poner la zancadilla: to strip up
zancadillear: to trip up
zanco: stilt
zancudo: long-legged; mosquito; wading; wader; wading bird