English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

zanganear: to laze around; to drone; to idle; to loaf
zángano: drone; lazy; oaf; idler; loafer
zanguango: idler; lazy person; slothful
zanja: ditch; trench
zanjar: to put an end to; to settle; to resolve; to obviate; to surmount; to dig ditches or trenches
zanquilargo: long-legged; long-shanked
zapa: trench; trenching; sap; spade; shagreen; sharkskin
zapador: zapper; sapper
zapallo: courgette
zapata: shoe; brake shoe; buskin; half-boot; bolster; false keel
zapatazo: stamp; kick; thump; thud; whack; large shoe; flap
zapateado: type of flamenco music and dance
zapatear: to stamp one's feet; to strike with the shoe; to tap with the feet; to ill-treat; to flap
zapatería: shoemaking; shoemaker's; shoe shop
zapatero: shoemaker; cobbler; shoe cupboard; water skipper; water strider; hard; poorly cooked;
zapatiesta: fuss; rumpus
zapatilla: shoe; pump; slipper; sports shoe; trainer; washer; leather button
zapato: shoe; low shoe
zapote: sapodilla; sapote; naseberry
zapping: channel-hopping
zar: tzar; czar
zarabanda: saraband; bustle; commotion; noise
Zaragoza: Saragossa
zaragozano: inhabitant of Zaragoza
zarandaja: trifle; unimportant thing
zarandear: to shake; to stir; to move to and fro; to jostle; to knock about; to shove around; to
sift; to winnow; to strain; to harass; to overwork
zarapito: curlew
zarcillo: earring; eardrop; tendril; weeding hoe
zarigüeya: opossum
zarina: tsarina; czarina
zarismo: tzarism
zarpa: claw; paw; hand; weighing anchor; footing
zarpar: to weight anchor; to set sail
zarpazo: clawing; blow with a paw
zarrapastroso: scruffy; ragged; scruff; tattered; shabby; slovenly; dirty; tramp; ragamuffin; slut
zarza: bramble; blackberry bush
zarzal: bramble patch; blackberry patch; brambles
zarzamora: blackberry; blackberry bush; brambleberry
zarzaparrilla: sarsaparilla
zarzuela: zarzuela; type of light opera; fish and seafood dish
zas: bang; wham
zascandil: good-for-nothing; busybody
zascandilear: to fuss about; to meddle
zen: Zen
zenit: zenith
zepelín: zeppelin
zigzag: zigzag
zigzaguear: to zigzag
Zimbabue: Zimbabwe

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