English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

zimbabuense: Zimbabwean
zinc: zinc
zíper: zip
zipizape: row; shindy; scuffle
zócalo: skirting board; plinth; baseboard; main square; socle; dado
zoco: souk; Arabian market; clog; wooden shoe; socle
zodiaco, zodíaco: zodiac
zombi, zombie: zombie
zona: zone; area; belt; region; zoster; shingles
zoncear: to fool about
zonzo: dim-witted; stupid; dimwit; insipid; silly; simpleton
zoo: zoo
zoología: zoology
zoológico: zoo; zoological; zoologic
zoólogo: zoologist
zoom: zoom lens
zopenco: nitwit; dopey; daft; dumb; idiot; dope; doltish; block-headed; dolt; blockhead
zopilote: vulture; turkey buzzard
zoquete: ankle sock; blockhead; dense; thick; block; chunk; short, fat and ugly fellow
zorcico: Basque dance and music
zorra: vixen; prostitute; tart; drunk; drunkenness; truck; dray
zorrillo: skunk
zorrino: skunk
zorro: fox; cunning; astute; crafty; duster
zorzal: thrush; fieldfare; sly feloow; simpleton
zote: dim-witted; idiot; dimwit; dull; ignorant; dolt; blockhead
zozobra: anxiety; worry; uneasiness
zozobrar: to be shipwrecked; to fall through; to founder; to capsize; to go under; to fail
zueco: clog; sabot; wooden shoe
zulo: hideout
zulú: Zulu
zumba: joke; banter; chaff; mockery; beating; bell worn by a leading mule or ox; bull-roarer
zumbado: crazy; nuts
zumbar: to buzz; to whirr; to hum; to drone; to whizz; to ring; to deal; to deliver; to thump; to
zumbarse: to make fun
zumbido: buzz; hum; drone; whizz; buzzing; whirr; whirring; ringing; ping; blow; box; smack
zumbón: joking; teasing; bantering; rallying; mocking; joker; jester; wag
zumo: juice; profit; advantage
zurcido: darn; mend; darned; darning; fine-drawing
zurcir: to darn; to mend; to fine-draw; to join; to unite; to make a tissue of lies
zurda: left hand; left leg
zurdazo: left-handed punch; shot with the left foot
zurdo: left: left-handed
zurra: beating; drubbing; hiding; currying; dressing
zurrar: to beat; to drub; to spank; to thrash; to wallop; to curry; to dress
zurriagazo: lash with whip
zurriago: whip; lash
zurrón: pouch; game bag; leather bag; husk
zutano: so-and-so; what's-his-name

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