abroncar: to tell off; to scold; to boo
abrótano: southernwood
abrumador: overwhelming
abrumar: to overwhelm; to weigh down; to embarrass
abrumarse: to become overwhelmed; to be weighed down; to be embarrassed
abrupto: steep; rugged; rough; abrupt
absceso: abscess
abscisa: abscissa
absenta: absinthe
absentismo: absenteeism
ábside: apse
absolución: absolution; acquittal
absolutamente: absolutely
absolutismo: absolutism
absolutista: absolutist
absoluto: absolute; en absoluto: by no means; at all
absolver: to absolve; to acquit
absorbente: absorbent; demanding; domineering; overbearing
absorber: to absorb; to engross; to use up; to take up; to take over
absorción: absorption
absorto: absorbed; engrossed
abstemio: teetotal; teetotaller
abstención: abstention
abstenerse: to refrain
abstinencia: abstinence
abstracción: abstraction; abstract art
abstracto: abstract
abstraer: to abstract; to become lost in thought
absurdo: absurd; ludicrous
abubilla: hoopoe
abuchear: to boo; to jeer
abucheo: booing; jeering
abuela: grandmother; old woman
abuelo: grandparent; grandfather; old man
abuhardillado: sloping ceiling
abulense: native inhabitant of Avila
abulia: apathy
abúlico: suffering from a loss of will power
abultado: swollen
abultamiento: swelling; bump; lump
abultar: to enlarge; to exaggerate; to blow up; to be bulky; to take up a lot of room
abundancia: abundance
abundante: abundant; plentiful
abundar: to be plentiful
aburguesado: bourgeois
aburguesarse: to become middle class
aburrido: boring; bored; fed up; bore
aburrimiento: boredom
aburrir: to bore
aburrirse: to get bored
abusar: to take advantage; to abuse