abuso: abuse
abusón: bullying; bully
abyección: wretchedness
abyecto: abject; wretched
acá: here
acabado: finished; finish
acabar: to finish; to end; to be over; to have just; to put an end to
acabarse: to end; to come to an end
acacia: acacia
academia: academy; school
académico: academic; academician; member of an academy
acaecer: to occur; to happen
acallar: to quieten; to ease; to soothe
acalorado: hot; worked up; heated
acalorar: to heat up; to warm up
acalorarse. to get hot; to get worked up
acampada: camping
acampanado: bell-shaped; flared; bell-bottomed
acampar: to camp
acanalado: grooved; ribbed; fluted
acanaladura: groove; fluting
acantilado: cliff
acanto: acanthus
acantonar: to station
acaparador: hoarding; monopolizing
acaparar: to hoard; to stock up; to take; to corner; to monopolize
acaramelado: sugary
acariciar: to caress; to toy with
acarrear: to carry; to haul; to cause; to bring
acartonado: stiff
acartonarse: to become stiff; to become wizened
acaso: maybe; perhaps; mayhap
acatamiento: observance; respect
acatar: to obey; to observe; to notice
acatarrado: estar acatarrado to have a cold
acatarrarse: to catch a cold
acaudalado: well-off; affluent
acaudillar: to lead
acceder: to agree; to accede; acceder a: to access
accesible: accesible; affordable
accésit: consolation prize
acceso: access; fir
accesorio: supplementary; extra; accessory; attachment
accidentado: injured; troubled; uneven; rough; hilly; casualty
accidental: incidental; chance
accidentarse: to have an accident
accidente: accident; chance; feature
acción: action; deed; share; lawsuit
accionar: to activate; to work
accionariado: shareholders
accionista: shareholder