adecuar: to adapt
adecuarse: to be right
adefesio: freak; monstrosity
adelantado: advanced; fast
adelantamiento: overtaking manoeuvre; passing maneuver
adelantar: to move forward; to advance; to pay in advance; to overtake; to pass; to put forward;
to achieve; to gain; to be fast; to gain time; to make progress
adelantarse: to go ahead; to be early; to be fast; to gain time
adelante: forward; ahead; adelante de: in front of
adelanto: advance
adelfa: oleander
adelgazamiento: slimming
adelgazar: to lose; to lose weight; to slim
ademán: gesture
además: besides; además de: as well as
adentrarse: to penetrate; to go into
adentro: inside
adepto: supporter; follower
aderezar: to season; to dress
aderezo: seasoning; dressing; decoration; jewelry
adeudar: to owe; to debit
adeudo: debit
adherencia: adherence; adhesiveness; grip
adherente: adherent; adhesive
adherir: to stick
adherirse: to stick; to adhere
adhesión: adhesion; support
adhesivo: adhesive
adicción: addiction
adición: addition
adicional: additional
adicto: addicted; supporter; follower
adiestrado: trained
adiestramiento: training
adiestrar: to train
adinerado: wealthy; affluent
adiós: goodbye
aditivo: additive
adivinación: divination; fortune-telling
adivinador: fortune-teller
adivinanza: riddle
adivinar: to guess; to foretell; to forecast
adivinarse: to be visible
adivino: fortune-teller
adjetivar: to describe; to use as an adjective
adjetivo: adjective; adjectival
adjudicación: award
adjudicar: to award
adjudicarse: to take for oneself; to win
adjudicatario: successful bidder
adjuntar: to enclose