activar: to activate; to stimulate
actividad: activity
activismo: activism
activista: activist
activo: active; assets
acto: act; ceremony
actor: actor
actriz: actress
actuación: performance; intervention
actual: present; current; modern
actualidad: current situation; news; relevance
actualizar: to bring up to date; to update
actualmente: nowadays; at the moment; currently
actuar: to act
acuarela: watercolor
acuario: fish tank; aquarium
acuartelamiento: barracks; confinement to barracks
acuartelar: to confine to barracks
acuático: water
acuchillar: to stab; to knife
acuciante: pressing
acuciar: to press
acudir: to come; acudir a: to turn to
acueducto: aqueduct
acuerdo: agreement; de acuerdo: OK; all right
acumulador: accumulative; storage battery
acumular: to accumulate
acumularse: to accumulate
acunar: to rock
acuñar: to mint; to coin
acuoso: watery
acupuntura: acupuncture
acurrucarse: to curl up
acusación: accusation; charge; prosecution
acusado: accused; marked; defendant
acusador: accuser
acusar: to accuse; to charge; to show; to acknowledge
acusativo: accusative
acuse de recibo: acknowledgement of receipt
acusica: telltale
acusón: telltale
acústica: acoustics
acústico: acoustic
Adán: Adam
adaptable: adaptable; versatile
adaptación: adaptation
adaptador: adaptor
adaptar: to adapt; to adjust
adaptarse: to adapt oneself; to adjust
adecentar: to tidy up; to clean up
adecuado: right