aguador: water carrier; water seller
aguafiestas: spoilsport; killjoy
aguafuerte: etching
aguamanil: ewer; water jug; wash-stand; pitcher
aguamarina: aquamarine
aguanieve: sleet
aguantaderas: patience
aguantar: to bear; to endure; to stand; to put up with; to swallow; to weather
aguante: patience; stamina; endurance
aguar: to water down; to spoil
aguardar: to await; to wait for
aguardiente: brandy: liquor
aguarrás: turpentine
agudeza: sharpness; perceptiveness; acuteness; wit; wittiness
agudizar: to sharpen; to worsen; to intensify
agudo: sharp; acute; keen; witty; high-pitched
agüero: omen
aguerrido: courageous; brave; hardened; veteran
aguijada: prod; goad
aguijón: sting; incentive
aguilonear: to spur
águila: eagle; águila real: golden eagle
aguileño: aquiline
aguilucho: eaglet
aguinaldo: Christmas present; Christmas bonus
aguja: needle; pin; pointer; spire; agujas: points; switch; ribs
agujereado: full of holes
agujerear: to make holes in
agujero: hole; amount missing
agujeta: shoelace; shoestring; pains from overexercise
agustino: Augustinian
agutí: agouti
aguzanieves: wagtail
aguzar: to sharpen; to strain
ah: oh
ahí: there
ahijada: goddaughter
ahijado: godchild; godson
ahínco: eagerness; earnestness; ardour
ahíto: very full; fed up
ahogado: drowned; stuffy
ahogar: to drown; to choke; to stifle; to flood
ahogarse: to suffocate; to drown; to flood
ahogo: anguish; suffocation; financial difficulties
ahondar: to deepen; to make deeper
ahora: now; just now; right now; on the other hand; ahora bien: but; however; hasta ahora: so
ahorcado: hanged
ahorcar: to hang
ahorcarse: to hang oneself
ahorrador: thrifty; careful with money