English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ahorrar: to save; to economize; to spare
ahorrarse: to save oneself
ahorrativo: thrifty; saving
ahorro: saving; economy; ahorros: savings
ahuecar: to hollow; to hollow out; to inflate; to fluff out; to plump op; to deepen; to leave; to
beat it
ahuecarse: to put on airs
ahumado: smoked; smoky; tinted
ahumar: to smoke; to tint; to fill with smoke
ahuesado: spindle-shaped; fusiform
ahuyentar: to scare; to frighten away; to flee
ailanto: ailanthus
airado: furious; irate; angry; wrathful
aire: air; draft; draught; look; appearance; resemblance; pace; gait; humour; temper; ease;
dexterity; elegance; gracefulness; vigor; violence; movement; melody
airear: to air; to publicize; to ventilate
airearse: to get some fresh air
airoso: graceful; lively; successful; airy; windy
aislado: isolated; separate; insulated
aislamiento: isolation; insulation; seclusion
aislar: to isolate; to insulate
aislarse: to seclude oneself
ajá: good; that's right
ajado: shabby; worn; creased
ajar: to wither; to age; to crumple; to rumple; to spoil; to fade
ajarse: to wither; to age; to become spoiled
ajardinar: to landscape
ajedrecista: chess player
ajedrez: chess
ajedrezado: chequered; checkered
ajeno: another's; alien; strange; foreign; improper; ignorant
ajetreado: hectic; busy
ajetreo: activity; fatigue; bustle
ají: chili; pepper
ajo: garlic; secret affair; ajo blanco: soup containing garlic, bread, almonds, oil and vinegar
ajolote: axolotl
ajorca: bracelet; anklet; bangle
ajuar: furniture and fittings; trousseau
ajuntar: to be friends with
ajustado: tight-fitting; reasonable; limited; adjusted; just; right
ajustador: fitter; adjuster; pager
ajustar: to adjust; to adapt; to fit; to regulate; to tighten; to reconcile; to settle accounts; to hire;
to engage; to page; to conform to; to come to an agreement
ajustarse: to fit
ajuste: adjustment; settling; settlement; fitting; fit; agreement; contract; hire; engagement;
ajusticiamiento: execution
ajusticiar: to execute; to put to death
al: to the; at; at the
ala: wing; brim; eaves; flap; blade
alabanza: praise; commendation; eulogy

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