English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

aletargado: drowsy; lethargic
aletargar: to make lethargic; to lethargize; to get drowsy
aletargarse: to become lethargic
aletear: to flutter; to flap the wings or the fins
aleteo: fluttering of wings; palpitation
alevín: young fish; beginner; greenhorn
alevosía: premeditation; treachery; perfidy
alfa: alpha
alfabético: alphabetical
alfabetización: literacy teaching; literacy
alfabetizar: to teach to read and write; to put in alphabetical order
alfabeto: alphabet; language
alfalfa: lucerne; alfalfa
alfanje: short scimitar
alfanumérico: alphanumeric
alfar: pottery; clay; argil; to rear
alfarería: pottery; pottery shop
alfarero: potter
alféizar: windowsill; embrasure; display
alfeñique: weakling; sugar paste in thin bars
alférez: second lieutenant; ensign
alfil: bishop
alfiler: pin; brooch; tiepin
alfiletero: pin box; pin cushion; needlecase; pincase
alfombra: carpet; rug; fitted carpet
alfombrado: carpeted
alfombrar: to carpet
alfombrilla: mat; small carpet
alforja: saddlebag; wallet
alga: alga; seaweed
algarabía: racket; hubbub; uproar; Arabic language
algarada: din; racket; fray; disturbance; outcry; ancient war engine for throwing stones
algarroba: carob; vetch
algarrobo: carob tree; locust tree
algazara: din; commotion; clamour; joyful uproar
álgebra: algebra; bonesetting
algebraico: algebraic
álgido: algid
algo: something; aught; anything; somewhat; a little
algodón: cotton
algodonero: cotton; cotton dealer; cotton plant
alguacil: beadle; bailiff; dragonfly; kind of judge; peace-officer; jumping spider
alguien: somebody; someone
algún: some
alguno: someone; anyone; some; any
alhaja: piece of jewelry; jewel; treasure; iron
alharaca: fuss; ado; exaggerated show of feeling
alhelí: wallflower; gillyflower; stock
alheña: privet; henna
alhóndiga: corn exchange; public granary or grain market
aliado: ally; allied; confederated

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