English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

alianza: alliance; league; wedding ring; wedding band;
aliar: to ally
alias: alias
alicaído: depressed; down; weak; drooping; sad; crestfallen; downfallen
alicatado: tiled; tiling; glazed-tile work in Moorish style
alicatar: to tile
alicates: pliers; nail clippers
aliciente: incentive; attraction; inducement
alienación: alienation
alienar: alienate
alienígena: alien
aliento: breath; spirit; courage
aligátor: alligator
aligerar: to make lighter; to lighten; to alleviate; to hasten; to quicken; to speed; to relieve
aligerarse: to remove; to take off
alijo: consignment; unloading; smuggled goods
alimaña: predator; beast
alimentación: feeding; diet; nourishment
alimentar: to feed; to nourish; to sustain; to aliment; to fuel; to stoke; to foster; to entertain; to
cherish; to nurture; to be nourishing
alimentarse: to feed oneself
alimenticio: alimentary; nourishing; nutritious
alimento: food; aliment; nourishment; pabulum; allowance for alimony
alimoche: Egyptian vulture
alimón: al alimón: together; with the cape held by two bullfighters
alineación: alignment; lining-up; line-up;
alineado: aligned; straight; in line
alinear: to line up; to align; to range
alinearse: to line up; to align oneself
aliñar: to dress; to adorn; to tidy; to season; to prepare; to arrange
aliño: dressing; seasoning; adornment; tidiness; arrangement
alioli: garlic mayonnaise
alisar: to smooth; to straighten; to slick; to sleek; to polish; to plane; plantation of alder trees
alisarse: to straighten
aliscafo: hydrofoil
alisio: trade wind
aliso: alder; alder tree
alistamiento: enlistment; recruitment; enrollment; conscription
alistar: to recruit; to enlist; to prepare; to make ready
alistarse: to enlist
aliteración: alliteration
aliviadero: spillway
aliviar: to relieve; to ease; to lighten; to make lighter; to unburden; to alleviate; to allay; to
assuage; to hasten; to ease up; to subside
aliviarse: to get better; to diminish
alivio: relief; alleviation; allay; ease; assuagement; mitigation; improvement
aljibe: cistern; well; tank boat; tanker
allá: there; over there
allanamiento: flattening; levelling; smoothing; razing; submission; consent; raid; allanamiento
de morada unlawful entry
allanar: to flatten; to level; to smooth; to pacify; to subdue; to yield; to consent; to overcome; to

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