Alpes: Alps
alpinismo: alpinism; climbing; mountaineering
alpinista: climber; mountaineer; alpestrian
alpino: alpine
alpiste: birdseed; alpist; canary grass
alquería: farmhouse; farmstead; grange
alquilado: hired
alquilar: to let; to rent; to hire
alquiler: letting; renting; rent; rental; hire
alquimia: alchemy
alquimista: alchemist
alquitrán: tar; pitch
alquitranar: to tar
alrededor: round; alrededor de: around; about
alta: discharge form an hospital; registration for fiscal purposes; inscription in the muster book;
an old court dance
altanería: haughtiness; arrogance; falconry; hawking
altanero: haughty; arrogant; flying high
altar: altar
altavoz: loudspeaker; speaker
alteración: alteration; change; agitation; distress; change; unevenness
alterado: agitated; distressed; upset; angry
alterar: to alter; to change; to worry; to upset; to bother; to excite; to unsettle; to make
something go bad
alterarse: to become altered; to become changed; to become worried
altercado: quarrel; altercation; dispute; wrangle
alternador: alternator
alternancia: alternation; alternance
alternar: to alternate; to mix; to socialize
alternativa: alternative; option; political alternative; ceremony at which an apprentice qualifies
as a fully-fledged bullfighter
alternativo: alternative; alternate; alternating
alterno: alternate; alternating
alteza: height; elevation; sublimity; Highness
altibajo: downright blow; altibajos: ups and downs
altillo: hillock; attic; garret; cupboard above a built-in wardrobe
altímetro: altimeter
altiplanicie: high plateau; tableland
altiplano: high plateau
altísimo: very high; very tall; Almighty
altisonante: high-flown; grandiloquent; altisonant; high sounding; bombastic
altitud: height; altitude
altivez: haughtiness; arrogance; pride
altivo: haughty; arrogant; proud; lofty
alto: tall; upper; elevated; noble; excellent; late; advanced; loud; hillock; eminence; storey; floor;
viola; halt; stop; on high; raised; loudly
altoparlante: loudspeaker
altozano: hillock; height; hill; highest part of a town
altramuz: lupin; lupine
altruismo: altruism
altruista: altruist; altruistic