English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

altura: height; hillock; tallness; summit; top; elevation; excellence; altitude; pitch; latitude;
alturas: heights; heavens
alubia: bean; French bean
alucinación: hallucination
alucinante: hallucinatory; great; brilliant
alucinar: to hallucinate; to fascinate; to delude
alucinógeno: hallucinogenic
alud: avalanche; snowslip
aludido: above-mentioned; aforementioned
aludir: to refer; to make reference; to allude; to hint at
alumbrado: lit; lightning; lights; tipsy
alumbramiento: childbirth; illumination; enlightening
alumbrar: to light; to illuminate; to enlighten; to give birth to; to give out light
aluminio: aluminium; aluminum
alumnado: pupils; students
alumno: pupil; student; scholar
alunizaje: lunar landing
alunizar: to land on the moon
alusión: mention; allusion; reference; hint
alusivo: allusive; hinting
aluvión: flood; alluvion; silt; wash
alveolo: alveolus; alveole
alza: increase; rise; advance; lift; overlay; sight
alzacuello: clerical collar; dog-collar; neck stock
alzada: height; stature of a horse; appeal to a higher administrative body or official
alzado: elevation; rebel; raised; fixed; rebellious; conceited; arrogant; lump; gathering
alzamiento: uprising; insurrection; raising; lifting
alzar: to raise; to lift; to hoist; to uplift; to heave; to elevate; to erect; to build; to remove; to
carry off; to clear the table; to gather a crop
alzarse: to rise; to get up; to stand up; to rebel; to appeal
ama: mistress; owner; housekeeper
amabilidad: kindness; affability
amable: kind; affable; nice; amiable; obliging; lovable
amado: loved one; beloved; dear; sweetheart
amadrinar: to act as godmother to; to sponsor; to couple
amaestrado: trained; taught; drilled
amaestramiento: training
amaestrar: to train; to teach; to coach; to drill
amagar: to threaten; to show intention of doing something; to make as if to
amago: threatening gesture; feint; hint; symptom
amainar: to ease; to abate; to subside; to clear up; to relax
amalgama: amalgam
amalgamar: amalgamate; to mix
amamantar: to nurse; to suckle; to lactate; to breast-feed
amanecer: dawn; daybreak; to dawn
amanerado: affected; mannered; effeminate
amansar: to quieten; to mellow; to tame; to domesticate; to subdue; to soften
amante: lover; loving; fond; paramour; mistress; pendant
amañado: fixed; skilful
amañar: to fix; to rig; to falsify; to cook; to fake; to manage
amaño: ruse; dodge; cleverness; skill; artifice; trick

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