anidar: to nest; to nidify; to dwell; to reside; to harbour; to cherish
anilla: curtain ring; tab; anillas: rings
anillar: to ring a bird; to fasten with rings
anillo: ring; circlet; cigar band; annulet; segment; coil; grommet
ánima: soul; bore
animación: animation; activity; liveliness; life; bustle; movement
animado: cheerful; lively; animate; animated; prompted; heartened; full of people
animador: cheerleader; activity organizer; animator; inspirer; encourager; animating;
animadversión: animosity; hatred; ill will; antagonism
animal: animal; stupid; rude person
animalada: stupidity
animar: to animate; to cheer up; to encourage; to impel; to decide; to enliven; to brighten
animarse: to cheer up; to liven up;
ánimo: mind; spirit; courage; energy; intention; purpose; attention; thought; come on!
animosidad: animosity; ill will; courage
animoso: resolute; brave; courageous
aniñado: childish; girlish
anión: anion
aniquilación: total destruction; annihilation
aniquilamiento: total destruction; annihilation
aniquilar: to annihilate; to wipe out; to destroy utterly; to crush
anís: anise; aniseed; anisette
aniversario: anniversary; annual memorial service
ano: anus
anoche: last night; last evening; yesternight
anochecer: nightfall; dusk; evening; to grow dark
anochecido: dark
anodino: anodyne; inane; ineffective; dull
ánodo: anode
anomalía: anomaly; irregularity
anómalo: anomalous; irregular
anonadado: stunned; stupefied; crushed; thunderstruck
anonadar: to overwhelm; to amaze; to astonish; to annihilate; to humiliate
anonimato: anonymity
anónimo: anonymous; annonym
anorak: anorak
anorexia: anorexia
anoréxico: anorexic
anormal: abnormal; strange; mentally handicapped
anormalidad: abnormality; mental handicap
anotación: note; entry; annotation
anotar: to annotate; to note; to write down; to jot down; to enter; to inscribe; to score; to record
anquilosado: paralysed
anquilosar: to paralyze; to ankilose
ansia: throe; anguish; pang; eagerness; avidity; longing; hankering
ansiar: to wish; to long for; to covet
ansiedad: anxiety; uneasiness; worry
ansioso: anguished; desirous; anxious; eager; greedy
antagónico: antagonistic; diametrically opposed
antagonismo: antagonism