antagonista: antagonist
antaño: in the old days; of yore
antártico: Antarctic
Antártida: Antarctica
ante: elk; moose; bubal; buff; buckskin; before; in the presence of; ante todo: first of all; above
anteanoche: the night before last
anteayer: the day before yesterday
antebrazo: forearm
antecámara: anteroom; antechamber
antecedente: previous; preceding; antecedent
anteceder: to antecede; to precede
antecesor: predecessor; ancestor; forefather
antedicho: abovementioned; aforementioned; aforesaid; aforenamed
antediluviano: prehistoric; antediluvian
antelación: notice; anteriority; previousness
antemano: beforehand
antena: aerial; antenna; horn; lateen yard; antena parabólica: satellite dish
anteojeras: blinkers
anteojo: telescope; spyglass; anteojos: glasses; spectacles
antepasado: ancestor: forefather; foregone
antepecho: sill; ledge; rail; railing; breastwork; breastband of harness; breast beam of loom
antepenúltimo: antepenultimate
anteponer: to place before; to prefix; to give the preference to
anteponerse: to go before; to come before
anteproyecto: first draft of a project
anterior: previous; anterior; foregoing; former; front; forward
antes: before; first; previously; formerly; soon; sooner; rather
antesala: anteroom; antechamber
antiadherente: non-stick
antiaéreo: anti-aircraft
antibalas: bulletproof
antibiótico: antibiotic
anticiclón: anticyclone
anticipación: anticipation; advance
anticipado: early; advanced; in advance; premature
anticipar: to anticipate; to advance; to hasten; to lend; to pay in advance; to occur before the
regular time
anticiparse a: to anticipate; to forestall; to get ahead of
anticipo: hint; advance; advance payment
anticonceptivo: contraceptive
anticongelante: antifreeze
anticonstitutional: unconstitutional; anticonstitutional
anticuado: old-fashioned; antiquated; obsolete
anticuario: antiquarian; antiquary; antique dealer
anticuerpo: antibody
antidisturbios: riot; riot police
antídoto: antidote
antier: the day before yesterday
antiestético: unsightly; ugly; unaesthetic
antifaz: mask; veil covering the face