antigualla: old relic; antique; old-fashioned or out-of-date custom or object
antiguamente: aforetime; anciently; in the past; formerly
antigüedad: antiquity; seniority; age
antiguo: ancient; old; antique; of long standing; senior
antihéroe: antihero
antihistamínico: antihistamine
antillano: inhabitant of the West Indies
Antillas: West Indies
antílope: antelope
antimonio: antimony
antinatural: unnatural
antioxidante: anti-rust; anti-rusting agent
antiparras: spectacles; barnacles
antipatía: dislike; antipathy; aversion
antipático: unfriendly; annoying; disagreeable
antípoda: antipodean; antipodal; antípodas: antipodes
antiquísimo: ancient; very old
antirreglamentario: against the rules
antirrobo: antitheft
antisemita: anti-Semitic; anti-Semite
antisemítico: anti-Semitic
antisemitismo: anti-Semitism
antiséptico: antiseptic
antítesis: antithesis
antitetánica: tetanus vaccine
antitetánico: tetanus
antitético: antithetic; antithetical
antojadizo: capricious; whimsical; fickle
antojarse: to arouse a whimsical desire; to fancy; to seem probable
antojo: whim; urge; caprice; notion; fancy; freak; will; birthmark
antología: anthology
antónimo: antonymous; antonym
antonomasia: antonomasia; por antonomasia: par excellence
antorcha: torch; flambeau; cresset; firebrand; guiding light
antracita: anthracite; hard coal
ántrax: anthrax
antro: dive; dump; cavern; den
antropófago: cannibalistic; cannibal; anthropophagous
antropología: anthropology
antropológico: anthropological
antropólogo: anthropologist
anual: annual; yearly; one-year
anualidad: annuity; annual payment; yearly rent
anuario: annual; yearbook; trade directory
anudar: to knot; to tie; to take up; to resume; to strengthen; to cement
anudarse: to tie; to do up
anulación: annulment; cancellation; voiding
anular: annular; ring-finger; to annul; to make void; to nullify; to deprive of authority
anunciación: Annunciation; announcement
anunciar: to announce; to advertise; to herald; to be a sign of; to foretell; to bill
anunciarse: to be announced