aparecido: ghost; spectre; wraith
aparejado: apt; fit; competent; ready
aparejador: assistant architect; rigger
aparejar: to prepare; to get ready; to saddle; to rig out; to size; to prime
aparejo: equipment; harness; rig; sails; tackle; preparation; arrangement; packsaddle;
aparentar: to pretend; to feign; to look; to seem; to appear; to show off; to put on airs
aparente: supposed; apparent; obvious; visible; seeming; lovely; nice
aparición: appearance; apparition; ghost; vision
apariencia: appearance; aspect; look; semblance; likelihood; pretence; show
apartado: section; retired; isolated; remote; aloof; different; post-office box
apartamento: apartment; flat
apartar: to separate; to divide; to part; to push; to draw aside; to turn aside; to remove; to move
away; to dissuade; to sort; to shunt
apartarse: to part; to become separated; to move away; to withdraw; to hold off; to stray
aparte: separate; special; different; aside; apart; paragraph
apasionado: passionate; enthusiastic; enthusiast; ardent; fervid; devoted; fond; biased
apasionante: thrilling; exciting
apasionar: to impassion; to appeal deeply to
apasionarse: to become keen; to become a fan; to get worked up
apatía: apathy
apático: apathetic
apátrida: stateless
apeadero: halt; whistle stop; wayside station; horse block; temporary quarters
apear: to dissuade; to put off; to dismount; to bring down; to hobble; to scotch a wheel
apearse: to get out; to get off; to dismount; to renounce
apechugar: to push with the chest; apechugar con: to accept something distasteful
apedrear: to throw stones at; to stone; to lapidate; to hail
apego: fondness; affection; liking
apelación: appeal; remedy; help
apelar: to appeal; to call upon
apelativo: appellative; name
apellidarse: to have a surname
apellido: surname; family name
apelmazarse: to go lumpy
apelotonar: to form into knots or balls; to cluster
apelotonarse: to crowd; to bunch together
apenado: sad; embarrassed
apenar: to sadden; to make sad; to pain; to cause sorrow
apenarse: to grieve
apenas: hardly; scarcely; barely; as soon as; no sooner than
apéndice: appendix; appendage
apendicitis: appendicitis
apercibir: to warn; to prepare; to admonish; to advise; to perceive; to see
apercibirse: to prepare oneself; to realize
apergaminarse: shrivelled
aperitivo: aperitif; appetizer; aperitive
aperos: farming implements; tools; equipment
aperreado: miserable; wretched; harassed; worried
apertura: opening; liberalization; reading
apesadumbrado: troubled; upset; pained; distressed
apesadumbrar: to make sad; to sadden; to pain; to distressed