apestado: infected with the plague; teeming; overrun
apestar: to stink; to reek; to infect with the plague; to corrupt; to vitiate
apestoso: stinking; reeking; sickening; pestilent
apetecer: to desire; to feel an appetite for; me apetece: I feel like
apetecible: attractive
apetito: appetite; appetence
apetitoso: delicious; appetizing; savoury; palatable; tasty
apiadar: to inspire pity
apiadarse: to take pity; to have pity
ápice: apex; summit; top; ounce; whit; iota; crux
apicultor: beekeeper; apiculturist
apicultura: beekeeping
apilar: to pile up; to heap
apiñar: to pack; to press together; to jam
apiñarse: to crowd together; to press together
apio: celery
apisonadora: steamroller
apisonar: to roll; to tamp; to pack down
aplacar: to calm down; to placate; to satisfy; to quench; to appease
aplacarse: to calm down; to become appeased
aplanar: to level; to flatten; to smooth; to make even; to planish; to astound; to wear out; to get
aplanarse: to get depressed; to lose heart
aplastante: overwhelming; crushing; dumbfounding
aplastar: to flatten; to crush; to quash; to dumbfound; to floor; to overwhelm
aplatanar: to wear out
aplatanarse: to become listless
aplaudir: to applaud; to clap
aplauso: applause; handclapping
aplazamiento: postponement; summons
aplazar: to postpone; to put off; to defer; to adjourn; to summon; to convene
aplicación: application; patch; assiduity; sedulousness; studiousness
aplicado: hard-working; studious; industrious; applied
aplicar: to apply; to use; to impute
aplicarse: to apply; to be studious
aplique: wall light; patch
aplomo: self-possession; composure; aplomb
apocado: shy; timid; diffident; humble; lowly
apocalipsis: apocalypse
apocar: to lessen; to contract; to restrict; to humble; to belittle
apocarse: to feel intimidated
apócope: apocopation; apocope
apócrifo: apocryphal
apodar: to nickname
apoderado: manager; agent; proxy; private attorney
apoderar: to authorize; to empower
apoderarse: to take possession; to take control; to take hold; ; to seize
apodo: nickname
apogeo: peak; height; apogee
apolillarse: to become moth-eaten
apolítico: apolitical