English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

bajorrelieve: bas-relief
bala: bullet; bale; shot; ten reams of paper
balacera: shoot-out; shooting
balada: ballad
baladí: trivial; minor; trifling
balance: stocktaking; balance; oscillation; swinging; rocking
balancear: to rock; to swing: to roll; to waver; to balance
balancearse: to move to and fro
balancín: rocking chair; seesaw; balancing pole
balandra: yacht; sloop
balandro: small sloop
balanza: scales; balance; judgement
balar: to bleat; to baa
balasto: ballast
balaustrada: balustrade; banisters
balazo: shot; bullet wound
balbucear: to babble; to stammer; to hesitate in speech
balbuceo: stammering; babbling
balbucir: balbucear
Balcanes: Balkans
balcánico: Balkan
balcón: balcony
balconada: row of balconies
balda: shelf
baldado: bruised; badly beaten; worn out; invalid
balde: bucket; pail; de balde: free; for nothing; en balde: in vain
baldío: untilled; uncultivated; vain; idle; lazy; barren land
baldosa: floor tile; paving stone
baldosín: small wall tile; small floor tile
balear: to shoot at
balido: bleating; bleat
balín: small bullet; buckshot; pellet
balística: ballistics
baliza: runway light; buoy; beacon
ballena: whale; whalebone; bone of a corset
ballenato: whale calf
ballenero: whaling; whaler; whaleman
ballesta: crossbow; spring
ballet: ballet
balneario: spa; baths
balompié: football
balón: ball; bag; balloon
baloncesto: basketball
balonmano: handball
balonvolea: volleyball
balsa: raft; float; pool; pond
balsámico: soothing; balsamic; balmy
bálsamo: balsam; balm; comfort
báltico: Baltic
baluarte: bastion; bulwark; defence
bamba: Latin American dance and music

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