English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


baba: dribble; slobber; slime; slaver; caerse la baba: to be delighted
babear: to dribble; to slobber; to slaver; to drool
babero: bib; chin-cloth
babi: smock; child's overall
Babia: estar en Babia: to be wool-gathering; to be absent-minded
bable: dialect spoken in Asturias
babor: port; larboard
babosa: slug
babosear: to slobber over; to slaver; to cover with saliva
baboso: dribbly; slavering; drooling; silly; foolish; idiot; fool
babucha: slipper
babuino: baboon
baca: luggage rack
bacalao: cod; codfish
bacanal: orgy; bacchanal
bache: pothole; air pocket; bad patch
bachiller: garrulous; babbler; bachelor
bachillerato: secondary school
bacilo: bacillus
bacín: chamberpot; cur; despicable man
bacon: bacon
bacteria: bacterium
bacteriológico: bacteriological
báculo: crosier; crozier; comfort and support
badajo: clapper
badana: sheepskin; basan
badén: gully; ford; channel made by running water
bádminton: badminton
bafle: loudspeaker; speaker
bagaje: baggage; a person's store of knowledge or information
bagatela: trifle; bagatelle
bahía: bay
bailaor: flamenco dancer
bailar: to dance; to spin; to wobble
bailarín: dancer
baile: dance; ball; dancing
bailotear: to dance about
baja: fall; drop; cancelled subscription; sick note; sickness certificate
bajada: drop; fall; descent; sloping street
bajamar: low tide; low water
bajar: to descend; to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to lessen; to diminish; to sink; to
slope downwards; to alight; to get down; to lower; to bow
bajarse: to get down; to get out; to take down; to stoop
bajel: ship; boat; vessel
bajeza: baseness; meanness; lowliness; low action
bajío: shoal; sand bank; shallows; lowland
bajista: bass player; bear
bajo: low; short; downcast; base; dull; vile; ground floor; hem; bass; softly; under
bajón: bassoon; decline; sharp drop; great fall

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