barriada: district; neighborhood; suburb
barrica: cask; barrel
barricada: barricade
barriga: stomach; belly; bulge
barrigón: potbellied; big-bellied
barrigudo: potbellied
barril: barrel; keg; earthen water jug
barrio: neighbourhood; town district
barriobajero: vulgar; coarse
barrizal: bog; quagmire; muddy ground
barro: mud; clay
barroco: baroque
barrote: bar; crosspiece; rung
barruntar: to suspect; to sense
bartola: tumbarse a la bartola to lie back lazily; to do nothing
bártulos: things; stuff; tools; traps
barullo: row; racket; noise; confusion; tumult; medley
basar: to base; to found
basarse: to base oneself
basca: nausea; crowd; gang
báscula: scales; bascule
base: base; basis; grounding
básico: basic
basílica: basilica; basilic
basilisco: basilisk; cockatrice
bastante: enough; quite a lot; quite; fairly; pretty; rather
bastar: to be enough; to suffice
bastarse: to be able to manage
bastardilla: italics
bastardo: illegitimate; bastard; mean; base
bastidor: frame; sash; wing; embroidery frame; plate holder; chassis
bastión: bastion
basto: rough; coarse; vulgar; unpolished; bastos: clubs
bastón: walking stick; cane; staff; ski pole
basura: refuse; rubbish; garbage
basurero: dustman; garbage man; dump
bata: dressing; gown; overall; white coat; frock with train
batacazo: bump
batalla: battle; joust; tournament
batallón: battalion
batata: sweet potato; yam
bate: bat
bateador: batsman; batter
batear: to bat
batería: battery; drums; footlights; breach
batiburrillo: jumble; hotchpotch; hodgepodge
batida: beat; search; combing; reconnaissance
batido: milk shake; beaten; whipped
batidor: whisk; beater; scout; one of the cavalry men heading a regiment on parade; comb
batidora: mixer