batiente: beating; jamb against which a door closes; spot where the sea beats; damper; leaf
batín: smoking jacket
batir: to beat; to strike; to batter; to whip; to beat down; to dash against; to flap; to coin; to
defeat; to break; to range; to reconnoitre; to couch the cataract
batracio: batrachian
baturro: a rustic or peasant of Aragón
batuta: baton
baúl: trunk; boot
bautismo: baptism; christening
bautizar: to baptize; to christen; to name; to water down the wine
bautizo: christening
baya: berry
bayeta: cloth; dishcloth; baize
bayoneta: bayonet
baza: trick
bazar: bazaar; shop selling domestic appliances, toys, etc.
bazo: spleen; yellowish-brown
bazofia: pigswill; refuse; scraps of wood; garbage
bazuca: bazooka
be: name of the letter b
beatificar: to beatify
beatífico: beatific; beatifical
beatitud: beatitude; blessedness
beato: devout; sanctimonious; beatus; happy; blessed; beatified person
bebé: baby; doll
bebedero: water dish; watering place; spout of a drinking vessel
bebedor: drinking; drinker; hard drinker
beber: to drink
bebida: drink; beverage; potion
bebido: drunk; tipsy; intoxicated
beca: grant; scholarship
becario: holder of a scholarship; scholar
becerro: calf; young bull; calfskin
bechamel: white sauce
bedel: caretaker; janitor
beduino: Bedouin; barbarian
begonia: begonia
beige: beige
béisbol: baseball
bejín: puffball
Belcebú: Beelzebub
Belén: Bethlehem
belén: Nativity scene; trouble; confusion; bedlam; bad business
beleño: henbane
belga: Belgian
Bélgica: Belgium
Belgrado: Belgrade
bélico: for war; warlike; martial
belicoso: warlike; aggressive; argumentative; bellicose; pugnacious
beligerante: warring; aggressive; belligerent
bellaco: wicked; villain; cunning; sly; knave; scoundrel