besuquearse: to kiss and cuddle; to smooch
Bética: Andalusia
bético: Andalusian
betónica: betony
betún: bitumen; shoe polish
biberón: feeding bottle; nursing bottle
Biblia: Bible
bliblico: biblical
bibliobús: mobile library
bibliófilo: booklover; bibliophile
bibliografía: bibliography
biblioteca: library; bookcase
bibliotecario: librarian
bicameral: bicameral
bicarbonato: bicarbonate
bicéfalo: two-headed; bicephalous
bíceps: biceps
bicha: snake; grotesque animal figure
bicharraco: insect; ugly animal
bichicome: tramp
bicho: small animal; bug; vermin; bull; bicho raro: old fellow
bici: bike
bicicleta: bicycle; bike
bicoca: bargain; cushy job; small fort; trifle; bagatelle
bicolor: two-colour
bidé: bidet
bidón: drum; can
biela: connecting rod
bien: well; properly; right; perfectly; happily; successfully; willingly; readily; very much; a good
deal; fully; enough; easily; good; welfare; benefit
bienal: biennial; every two years
bienaventurado: fortunate; blessed; happy; simple; guileless
bienestar: comfort; well-being; happiness; piece of mind
bienhechor: benevolent; generous; beneficent; benefactor
bienio: two-year period; biennium
bienvenida: welcome; happy arrival
bienvenido: welcome
bifásico: two-phase; diphase
bife: beefsteak; hard slap
bífido: forked; bifid
bifocal: bifocal
biftec: beefsteak
bifurcación: fork; bifurcation; forking; branch
bifurcarse: to fork; to branch; to bifurcate
bigamia: bigamy
bígamo: bigamous; bigamist
bígaro: winkle; sea snail
bigote: moustache; whiskers; dash rule
bigotudo: with a big moustache; mustachioed
bigudí: roller
bikini: bikini