English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

belleza: beauty
bello: beautiful; fair; fine
bellota: acorn; mast
bemol: flat
bencina: petrol; gasoline; benzine
bendecir: to bless; to consecrate
bendición: blessing; benediction
bendito: blessed; sainted; holy; lucky; good person; gullible person; happy; annoying
benefactor: benefactor
beneficiencia: charity; social service; beneficence
beneficiar: to benefit; to cultivate; to exploit; to sell at a discount
beneficiarse: to benefit; to profit
beneficiario: beneficiary
beneficio: benefit; profit; advantage; benefice; cultivation of land
beneficioso: beneficial; profitable
benéfico: charitable; beneficent; beneficial; good
Benemérita: Spanish Civil Guard
beneplácito: approval; consent
benevolencia: kindness; benevolence; goodwill
benevolente: kind; benevolent
benévolo: benevolent; kind
bengala: flare; sparkler; rattan; baton
benigno: lenient; mild; benign; benignant
benjamín: youngest child
beodo: drunkard; drunk
berberecho: cockle
bereber: Berber
berenjena: eggplant; aubergine
berenjenal: field or eggplants; estar en un berenjenal: to be in a mess
berlina: berlín; saloon car; sedan
berlinés: Berliner
bermellón: vermilion
Bermudas: Bermuda
bermudas: bermudas; shorts
Berna: Bern
berrear: to bellow; to howl; to yell; to bawl; to low
berrido: bellow; cry of the calf; low; bawl
berrinche: tantrum; rage
berro: water cress
berza: cabbage
berzotas: stupid; idiot
besamel: white sauce
besar: to kiss
besarse: to kiss one another
beso: kiss; bump
bestia: beast; dunce; brute; stupid; dense; rude; boorish; genius
bestial: bestial; huge; tremendous; colossal
bestialidad: atrocity; large amount; stupidity
besucón: fond of kissing
besugo: sea bream; idiot
besuquear: to cover with kisses; to slobber over; to kiss repeatedly

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