boliche: jack; small ball used in bowls; small dragnet; bowline of a small sail; small shop
bólido: meteorite; bolide; racing car
bolígrafo: ballpoint pen
bolillo: bobbin for making lace; roll
bolívar: bolivar
Bolivia: Bolivia
boliviano: Bolivian
bollo: bun; pastry; bread roll; dent; puff in a dress; bump; confusion
bolo: pin; skittle; ninepin; tenpin; dunce; idiot; snap; tour; newel of winding stairs; large pill;
bolus; souvenir
bolsa: bag; pouch; handbag; purse; bulge; stock market
bolsillo: pocket; purse; funds
bolsista: pickpocket; stockbroker
bolso: handbag; purse; bulge in a sail
boludo: jerk
bomba: bomb; pump; petrol station; globe of lamp
bombacho: loose-fitting
bombardear: to bomb; to shell; to bombard
bombardeo: bombing; bombardment
bombardero: bombing; bomber; bombardier
bombazo: explosion; blast
bombero: fireman; firefighter; pumpman
bombilla: light bulb; thief tube; small tube for drinking mate
bombillo: light bulb; water closet trap
bombín: bowler; derby
bombita: light bulb
bombo: bass drum; lottery drum; stunned; puffing; writing up
bombón: bonbon; sweetmeat; chocolate; stunner
bombona: cylinder; carboy
bombonería: confectioner's shop; sweet shop; candy store
bonachón: good-natured; kind; good soul
bonanza: fair weather; calm sea; prosperity; bonanza
bondad: goodness; kindness; good nature
bondadoso: kind; good; good-natured
boniato: sweet potato
bonificación: discount; rebate; allowance; bonus; bonus point
bonito: nice; pretty; nice; dainty; bonito
bono: bond; debenture; charity food-ticket
bonsai: bonsai
boñiga: cowpat; cow dung
boñigo: cowpat; cow dung
boom: boom
boquera: sluice; opening in an irrigation canal; lip sore
boquerón: anchovy; wide opening
boquete: gap; breach; opening; narrow entrance
boquiabierto: open-mouthed; amazed; gaping
boquilla: stem of pipe; cigar holder; tip of cigarette; mouth-piece; burner of a lamp; nozzle
borbotear: to bubble; to burble
borbotón: bubbling
borceguí: half boot; buskin
borda: gunwale