English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

boxeador: boxer
boxear: to box
boxeo: boxing
boya: buoy; float of fishing net
boyante: buoyant; prosperous; successful; riding light
bozal: muzzle; muzzle bells
bozo: fuzz or down on upper lip; mouth; lips
braga: panties; knickers; underpants
braguero: truss; breeching rope of a gun
bragueta: fly
braille: Braille
bramante: string; thin twine or hemp string; roaring
bramar: to low; to bellow; to roar
bramido: bellow; roar; yell
branquia: gill; branchia
brasa: ember; live coal
brasero: brazier
Brasil: Brazil
brasileño: Brazilian
bravata: threat; boast; bluster; swagger; brag
bravío: ferocious; wild; untamed; rustic; ferocity
bravo: brave; courageous; fine; excellent; fierce; ferocious; rough; angry; violent; sumptuous;
bravucón: swaggering; braggart; swaggerer
bravura: bravery; courage; fierceness; ferocity
braza: breaststroke; fathom; brace
brazada: stroke; armful
brazalete: bracelet; armband; armlet
brazo: arm; branch; boom; power; might; foreleg
brea: tar; wood tar; pitch
brebaje: concoction; beverage; unpalatable drink
brecha: gap; opening; hole; gash; breach; impression on the mind
brécol: broccoli
bregar: to slave away; to struggle; to fight; to work hard; to knead
Bretaña: Brittany; Gran Bretaña: Great Britain
brete: tight spot; difficult situation
breva: early fig; chewing tobacco; plum; good thing
breve: brief; short; breve; en breve: soon
brevedad: brevity; briefness; conciseness
breviario: breviary; brevier
brezo: heath; heather; briar
bribón: rascal; knave; scoundrel; loafer; rascally
bricolaje: do-it-yourself
brida: bridle; splice bar; clamp; flange; fishplate
brigada: brigade; squad; sergeant major
brillante: diamond; bright; brilliant; sparkling; gleaming; shining; glittering; glossy
brillantina: hair cream; brilliantine; metal polish
brillar: to shine; to sparkle; to gleam; to glisten; to stand out
brillo: shine; brilliance; brightness; lustre; sparkle; gloss; sheen; splendour
brincar: to jump; to spring; to skip; to leap; to frolic; to take offence
brinco: jump; spring; leap

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