bordada: tack; board
bordado: embroidery; embroidered; perfect
bordar: to embroider; to perform exquisitely
borde: rim; edge; hem; shore; border; fringe; nasty person
bordear: to go round; to skirt; to verge; to be close to; to beat to windward
bordillo: kerb; curb
bordo: board; a bordo: on board; aboard
Borgoña: Burgundy
boreal: boreal; northern
borla: tassel; tuft; powder puff
borne: terminal; binding post; tip of a jousting lance; cytisus; hard and brittle wood
Borneo: Borneo
borrachera: drunkenness; intoxication; carousal; high exaltation; great folly
borracho: drunkard; drunk; overcome; intoxicated; violet-coloured
borrador: draft; rough copy; board rubber; duster; blotter
borrar: to cross; to strike; to rub out; to blot out; to obliterate; to efface; to erase; to smudge; to
blur; to delete; to clean; to record over
borrarse: to cancel one's membership; to fade; to disappear
borrasca: depression; area of low pressure; storm; tempest; orgy; revelry
borrascoso: stormy; tempestuous
borrego: young sheep; yearly lamb; dope; simpleton; dim; sense
borrico: donkey; blockhead; thickhead; stubborn person; pigheaded; sawhorse
borrón: blot; blemish; draft; rough copy; first sketch
borroso: unfocused; blurred; smudgy; blurry; faded; thick with sediment
Bosnia: Bosnia
bosnio: Bosnian
bosque: forest; wood; grove; thicket; woodland
bosquejar: to sketch; to outline
bosquejo: sketch; draft; outline
bostezar: to yawn
bostezo: yawn
bota: boot; small leather wine bag; cask; butt
botadura: launching
botamanga: cuff
botánica: botany
botánico: botanist; botanical; botanic
botar: to bounce; to launch; to throw out; to throw away; to jump
botarate: loony; screwball; fool; harebrain; spendthrift
bote: jar; can; tin; canister; container for tips; in a bar or restaurant; kitty; jackpot; small boat;
bounce; jump
botella: bottle
botellero: rack for bottles; bottle maker or dealer
botica: pharmacy; chemist's; apothecary's shop
boticario: pharmacist; chemist; druggist; apothecary
botijo: round earthen jug with spout and handle which keeps water cool
botín: ankle boot; booty; haul
botiquín: first aid kit; medicine cabinet; retail wine store
botón: button; bud; knob; botones: bellboy
bóveda: vault; crypt
bovino: bovine
box: pit; stall; boxing