English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


cabal: upright; exact; full; complete; perfect; faultless; exactly; no estar en sus cabales: not to
be in one's right mind
cábala: cabbala; guess; intrigue; divination
cabalgadura: steed; mount; riding horse or animal; beast of burden
cabalgar: to ride; to horse; to mount; to cover a mare
cabalgata: cavalcade; mounted parade
caballa: mackerel
caballeresco: chivalrous; chivalric
caballería: cavalry; horse; riding animal; mule; ass; knights; knighthood
caballeriza: stable; royal mews; stud
caballerizo: stable hand; groom; equerry
caballero: gentleman; knight; riding; mounted; sir
caballeroso: gentlemanly; chivalrous
caballete: easel; trestle; gantry; ridge; bridge; small horse; horse; chimney cap; stand for saddles
caballista: skilled rider; expert on horses; mounted highwayman
caballito: pony; little horse; rocking-horse; hobby-horse; caballitos: merry-go-round
caballo: horse; queen; knight
cabalmente: exactly; completely; fully; just
cabaña: hut; cabin; hovel; livestock; large number of sheep or cattle; balk
cabaré: cabaret
cabaret: cabaret
cabás: satchel; school bag; shopping bag
cabe: near; next to; stroke on a ball
cabecear: to nod in drowsiness; to raise and lower the head; to pitch; to strengthen new wine
with old one; to blend wines; to bind the edge; to put the headband; to head the ball; to lurch
cabeceo: shake of the head; nod; toss; pitching and tossing; lurching
cabecera: head; headboard; masthead; flag; source; seat of honour; bedside; main town; head or
tail of the back if a book
cabecero: headboard
cabecilla: ringleader; rebel leader; wrong-headed person; little head
cabellera: head of hair; wig; tail
cabello: hair; corn silk
caber: to fit; to go through; to be possible
cabestrillo: sling; little chain worn as a necklace
cabestro: halter; leading ox
cabeza: head; brain; mind; understanding; individual; main town
cabezada: head butt; nod; butt; pitch; pitching; headgear; headstall of a river; headband of a
cabezal: headboard; small pillow; bolster; head; cartridge; headstock
cabezazo: blow with the head; butt; header
cabezón: with a large head; pigheaded; stubborn; rough
cabezonada: pigheadedness; stubbornness; obstinate act
cabezonería: pigheadedness; stubbornness
cabezota: pigheaded; stubborn; large head
cabezudo: with a large head; pigheaded; stubborn; figure of a big-headed dwarf; carnival figure
with a grotesque head
cabezuela: type of coarse flour; middling; head; capitulum; small head
cabida: space; room; capacity; extent; favour; influence
cabildo: chapter; town council

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