cabina: cabina: cabin; cab; cockpit; beach hut; cubicle
cabizbajo: crestfallen; pensive
cable: cable; lead; wire; rope; hawser
cabo: end; extremity; termination; conclusion; bit; stump; strand; haft; rope; cordage; ply; cape;
corporal; sergeant; mane, muzzle and feet of horses
cabotaje: coastal shipping; coasting trade; cabotage
cabra: goat
cabrales: type of cheese from Asturias
cabrear: to make furious; to drive mad
cabrearse: to lose one's temper
cabrerizo, cabrero: goatherd
cabrestante: winch; capstan
cabrío: goat
cabriola: skip; caper; gambol; tumble
cabritilla: kid; kidskin
cabrito: kid; young goat; bastard
cabrón: billy goat; bastard; acquiesced cuckold
caca: human excrement; dirt; filth
cacahuete: groundnut; peanut
cacao: cacao; cocoa; lipsalve; chaos
cacarear: to crow; to cackle; to boast; to brag
cacatúa: cockatoo
cacería: hunt; hunting party; hunting scene
cacerola: saucepan; casserole
cacha: handle; side of a razor or wife handle; cheek; buttock; horn; cachas: muscly; muscleman
cachalote: cachalot; sperm whale
cacharro: crock; piece of crockery; rattletrap; rickety machine or car
cachaza: laid-back attitude; slowness; phlegm; coolness; cane spirit
cachear: to frisk; to search
cachemir: cashmere
cacheo: frisking; searching
cachetada: slap
cachete: slap; punch in the face; plump cheek; short dagger
cachiporra: truncheon; nightstick; club; bludgeon
cachivache: piece of junk; vessel; pot; utensil
cacho: piece; bit; fragment; bunch; horn; fresh-water fish; card game; shaker for dice
cachondearse: to make fun; to take the mickey; to poke fun at somebody
cachondeo: joke; good time
cachondo: funny: horny
cachorro: puppy; cub; whelp
cacique: cacique; In Indian chief; local boss; petty tyrant
caciquismo: bossism; oppressive rule by local party bosses
caco: thief; burglar; coward
cacofonía: cacophony
cacto: cactus
cactus: cactus
cacumen: brains; head; acumen
cada: each; every
cadalso: scaffold; platform; stage; stand
cadáver: corpse; cadaver
cadavérico: cadaverous