calaña: character; kind; sort; nature; pattern; model
calar: to soak; to drench; to soak through; to pierce; to penetrate; to see through; to fix; to plug;
to incline ready to use; to lower a yard; to sink
calarse: to get soaked; to get drenched; to get in; to enter; to pull on; to swoop
calavera: skull; death's head; madcap; gay blade; profligate; back light
calaverada: prank; escapade; reckless action
calcado: copied; identical; calking; calquing; tracing
calcañar: heel
calcar: to trace; to copy; to calk; to transfer; to imitate
calcáreo: chalky; calcareous
calce: wedge; chock; shim; steel tire of a wheel
calceta: knitting; stocking; hose
calcetín: sock
calcificación: calcification
calcificar: to calcify
calcinar: to burn; to calcine; to calcify
calcio: calcium
calco: copy; tracing; imitation; loan word; calque
calcomanía: transfer; decalcomania
calculador: calculating; calculator
calculadora: calculator
calcular: to calculate; to work out; to guess; to conjecture
cálculo: calculation; estimate; computation; conjecture; guess; calculus
caldear: to warm up; to heat
caldearse: to warm up; to become heated; to heat
caldera: boiler; cauldron; kettle; copper; shell of a kettledrum
calderero: boilermaker; coppersmith
caldereta: lamb stew; fish stew; small cauldron; holy-water pot
calderilla: small change; copper coins; holy-water pot
caldero: semispherical kettle or small cauldron
caldillo: stew of minced beef in spicy sauce
caldo: stock; broth; bouillon; clear soup; wine
calé: Spanish gypsy
calefacción: heating; heating system
calefactor: heating engineer; heater; electric fire
caleidoscopio: kaleidoscope
calendario: calendar; schedule
calentador: heater; warming pan; legwarmer
calentamiento: increase in temperature; warm-up; warming; heating
calentar: to heat up; to warm up; to beat; to spank
calentarse: to warm oneself; to get warm; to be in heat
calentura: fever; high temperature; mouth sore
calenturiento: feverish; person who thinks always about sex
calera: limestone quarry; lime kiln
calesa: buggy; kind of calash
caleta: small bay: small cove or creek
calibrar: to calibrate; to gauge
calibre: calibre; caliber; bore; gauge; size; importance
calidad: quality; capacity; position; variety; character; nature; rank; importance
cálido: warm; hot; burning
calidoscopio: kaleidoscope