calientaplatos: hotplate; plate warmer
caliente: hot; warm; heated; in heat; in rut
califa: caliph
califato: caliphate
calificación: assessment; evaluation; grade; mark; qualification; rating; judgement; grading
calificado: reputable; respected; suitable; qualified; competent
calificar: to rate; to determine; to ennoble; to call; to express or denote the qualities of
calificativo: qualifying; epithet; qualifier
caligrafía: calligraphy; handwriting
calima: haze; mist
calina: haze; mist
cáliz: chalice; calyx; cup of sorrow
caliza: limestone
calizo: calcareous; limy; lime
callada: a meal of tripe; silence; keeping silence
callado: quiet; silent; reserved; reticent
callar: to be silent; to keep silent; to shut up; to be quiet
callarse: to keep to oneself; not to mention
calle: street; lane; fairway
calleja: narrow street; alleyway; alley; lane
callejear: to walk the streets; to hang about the streets; to lounge about the streets
callejero: street; fond of lounging about the streets; stray; street guide
callejón: alley; alleyway
callicida: corn cure; corn remover
callista: chiropodist; podiatrist; corn doctor
callo: callus; callosity; corn; callos: tripe
callosidad: callus; horniness; callosity
calloso: horny; callous
calma: calm; inactivity; letup; allayment; cessation; peace; calmness; composure; slowness;
calmante: soothing; assuaging; painkiller; calmative; sedative
calmar: to relieve; to calm; to quiet; to pacify; to allay; to soothe
calmarse: to abate; to calm down; to calm oneself
calmo: calm; tranquil; at rest; barren; treeless
calmoso: calm; relaxed; quiet; slow; sluggard
caló: slang of gypsies and low-class people
calor: heat; warmth; hotness; glow; ardour; fire; animation
caloría: calorie
calórico: calorific; caloric
calorífero: heat-producing; heat-emitting; heat-conducting; heater; foot warmer
calorífico: calorific
calumnia: calumny; falsehood; slander; libel
calumniador: calumnious; false; defamatory; liar; slanderer; libeller
calumniar: to falsely accuse; to calumniate; to slander; to defame
caluroso: warm; hot; sensitive to heat; hearty; enthusiastic
calva: bald patch; clearing; bald head; bald woman
calvario: Calvary; calvary; series of debts
calvicie: baldness
calvinismo: Calvinism
calvinista: Calvinist