English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

monastic or knightly order
capó: bonnet; hood
capón: capon; castrated; gelded; rap on the head
caporal: foreman; chief; leader; headman in a ranch
capota: roof; hood; top; bonnet with strings; poke bonnet; cowling
capotazo: pass made by the bullfighter with the cape
capote: long cloak; greatcoat; bullfighter's cape
capricho: whim; caprice; freak; fancy; longing; desire
caprichoso: stubborn; capricious; freakish; fanciful
cápsula: capsule; cartridge shell
captar: to win; to secure; to collect; to get; to pick up
captura: capture; seizure; arrest
capturar: to capture; to seizure; to catch
capucha: hood; cowl; circumflex accent
capuchino: Capuchin; capuccino
capuchón: hood; top; cap; capuchin; short domino; valve cap
capullo: cocoon; bud; acorn cup; foreskin
caqui: khaki; kaki; Japanese persimmon
cara: face; visage; countenance; look; mien; aspect; front; façade; outside; surface; nerve; cheek
carabela: caravel
carabina: carbine; chaperone; chaperon
carabinero: police officer; revenue guard; prawn; kind of crayfish
cárabo: tawny owl; carabus
caracol: snail; cochlea; kiss-curl; spiral; fusee
caracola: conch or triton shell
carácter: character; nature; disposition; status; characteristic
característica: characteristic; code; dialling code; actress who enacts elderly characters
característico: characteristic; old man
caracterizar: to characterize; to give distinction; to act a part properly; to dress and make up for
a role
caracterizarse: to be characterized
caradura: cheeky; cheek
carajillo: coffee with a dash of brandy
caramba: good grief; gosh
carámbano: icicle
carambola: cannon; carom; chance; multiple car crash; pile-up; double effect of a single act;
caramelo: sweet; candy; caramel
carantoña: caresses; wheedling; cajolery; painted hag
carátula: cover; sleeve; mask; wire mask
caravana: caravan; tailback; trailer
caray: good grief
carbohidrato: carbohydrate
carbón: charcoal; carbon; crayon
carboncillo: charcoal; charcoal pencil; black sand; wheat smut
carbonera: coal store; coal cellar; wood prepared for burning into charcoal
carbonería: coal yard; charcoal shop or store
carbonero: coalman; coal merchant
carbónico: carbonic
carbonilla: coal dust; cinder
carbonizar: to carbonize; to reduce to charcoal; to char

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