English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pillar; tipstock of firearm
cañada: cattle trail; ravine; glen; dell; hollow
cañamazo: canvas; burlap; hemp tow
cáñamo: hemp; hempen cloth
cañamón: hempseed
cañaveral: reedbed; canebrake; sugar plantation
cañería: pipe; conduit
cañí: stereotyped; gypsy
cañizo: cane matting; hurdle of reeds
caño: tube; pipe; jet; tap; spout; faucet; sewer; narrow channel
cañón: tube; pipe; barrel; cannon; gun; quill; canyon
cañonazo: cannon shot; report of a gun; powerful shot; bombshell
caoba: mahogany
caolín: kaolin; kaoline
caos: chaos
caótico: chaotic
capa: cloak; mantle; cape; cope; canopy; pretence; disguise; coating; couch; stratum; layer;
wrapper of a cigar; colour of an animal; hider; concealer; primage; level
capacho: wicker basket
capacidad: ability; ableness; capacity; content; capaciousness
capacitar: to qualify; to enable; to capacitate
capar: to castrate; to geld; to emasculate
caparazón: shell; carapace; caparison; covering; nose bag; carcass
capataz: foreman; overseer; steward
capaz: capable; able; competent; having room or capacity; capacious; roomy; capable
capazo: wicker basket; large flexible basket; blow given with a cloak
capcioso: cunning; captious; insidious; deceiving
capea: bullfight with young bulls
capear: to play the bull using the cape; to beguile; to ride out; to weather; to lie to
capellán: chaplain; priest; clergyman
capellanía: chaplaincy
caperuza: hood; top; cap; pointed hood; chimney cap
capicúa: reversible number
capilar: of the hair; capillary
capilla: hood; cowl; chapel; oratory; choir; friar; monk; proof sheet
capirotazo: flip; flick; fillip
capirote: hood; chaperon; conical or hood worn in processions; doctoral hooded mozzetta
capital: prime; primary; capital; property; fortune
capitalino: from the capital
capitalismo: capitalism
capitalista: capitalist
capitalizar: to capitalize; to compound the interest; to take advantage of
capitán: captain; chief; leader; great soldier; master
capitanear: to lead; to command; to captain
capitel: capital; spire
Capitolio: capitol
capitoné: removal van
capitoste: chief; boss
capitulación: capitulation; surrender; agreement
capitular: capitular; to agree; to conclude in agreement; to capitulate; to order; to decree
capítulo: chapter; episode; subject; matter; charge; impeachment; meeting of members of a

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