English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

casamentero: matchmaking; matchmaker
casamiento: wedding; marriage
casar: hamlet; to marry; to get married; to match; to go together; to harmonize; to quash; to
annul; to suit; to correspond
casarse: to marry; to get married
cascabel: small spherical bell; rattle; cheerful person
cascada: waterfall; cascade
cascado: worn-out; harsh; cracked; broken; infirm; decayed; weak
cascajo: rubble; gravel; fragments of stone; a broken piece of crockery
cascanueces: nutcracker
cascar: to crack; to break; to chink; to shell; to chip; to hit; to chat; to gas; to snuff it; to become
cáscara: shell; skin; peel; rind; bark; cáscaras: by Jove, for heaven's sake
cascarón: eggshell
cascarrabias: bad-tempered; bad-tempered person; crab or irritable person
casco: helmet; casque; crown of hat; skull; cranium; coat of onion; empty bottle; hull; hoof;
broken piece; fragment; headphone
cascote: piece of rubble; debris
caserío: hamlet; farmhouse; group of houses
casero: home-made; domestic; homespun; home-loving; biased; landlord; renter; tenant;
caseta: hut; beach hut; stand; stall; kennel
caserón: large house; large ramshackle house
casi: nearly; almost
casilla: pigeonhole; box; square; booth; cabin; hut; keeper's lodge; column or square on a sheet
of paper; sacar de las casillas: to get on one's nerves
casillero: pigeonholes; scoreboard; cubicle; rack
casino: social club; clubhouse; casino
caso: case; event; happening; instance; circumstances; heed; notice; attention; affair
casona: large town house; manor house
caspa: dandruff; scurf
Caspio: Caspian
cáspita: goodness gracious; by Jove
casquete: skullcap; calotte; cap
casquillo: case; fitting; ferrule; socket; metal tip or cap; cartridge case; iron arrow-head
casquivana: loose woman
casquivano: scatterbrained; featherbrained; frivolous
casette: cassette player; cassette recorder; cassette; tape
casta: breed; race; stock; lineage; kindred; caste; kind; quality
castaña: chestnut; demijohn; knot of the hair; chignon; blow; collision; accident; coger una
castaña: to get drunk
castañazo: crash; thump; whack
castañero: chestnut seller
castañetear: to play a tune with the castanets; to chatter; to crackle; to cry
castaño: chestnut tree; chestnut-brown; brown; hazel
castañuela: castanet
castellano: Castilian; Spanish language; castellan; lord of a castle
casticismo: love of purity
castidad: chastity; continence
castigar: to punish; to chastise; to penalize; to mortify; to cut down expenses
castigo: punishment; chastisement; penance; penalty; affliction; mortification; castigation

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