Castilla: Castile
castillo: castle
castizo: pure; correct; traditional; of good breed; of good origin; prolific
casto: chaste; pure
castor: beaver
castración: castration; gelding; spaying; extraction of honeycombs
castrar: to castrate; to geld; to spay; to prune; to extract combs form hive; to weaken; to
castrense: military; pertaining to the army
casual: chance; accidental; fortuitous; casual
casualidad: chance; coincidence; accident
casualmente: by chance; by accident
casulla: chasuble
cata: tasting; sample; taste; small portion; prospection
cataclismo: cataclysm
catacumbas: catacombs
catador: taster; sampler
catafalco: catafalque
catafaros: reflector
catalejo: small telescope; spyglass
catalizador: catalytic; catalyst; catalytic converter; driving force
catalogar: to catalogue; to classify; to consider
catálogo: catalogue; catalog
catamarán: catamaran
cataplasma: poultice; bore
catapulta: catapult
catapultar: to catapult
catar: to taste; to sample; to look at; to examine; to experience; to think; to judge; to cut combs
out of a hive
catarata: cataract; waterfall
catarro: cold; catarrh; head cold
catastro: land registry; land office; cadastre; cadaster
catástrofe: disaster; catastrophe
catastrófico: catastrophic; disastrous
catastrofista: alarmist
catavinos: wine taster; cup for tasting wine
catchup: ketchup
cate: slap; blow; fail
catear: to fail; to reject; to search; to prospect for minerals
catecismo: catechism
cátedra: chair; professorship; cathedra; department
catedral: cathedral
catedrático: professor; senior teacher; university professor
categoría: category; level; class; condition; kind; quality
categórico: categoric; categorical
catequesis: catechesis
catequista: catechist
catequizar: to catechize; to bring around; to persuade
caterva: crowd; multitude; lot; great number; mass
catéter: catheter
cateto: yokel; rustic; cathetus; leg