cero: zero; naught; nought; nothing; cipher
cerrado: closed; shut; fastened; locked; broad; incomprehensible; sharp; tight; thick; bushy;
narrow-minded; reserved; dim; stupid; cloudy; overcast; secretive; reserved
cerradura: lock
cerrajería: locksmith's shop
cerrajero: locksmith
cerrar: to close; to shut; to turn off; to seal; to fasten; to bolt; to obstruct; to bar; to block; to
fold; to heal; to wall; to fence
cerrarse: to close; to shut; to crowd together; to close one's mind; to stand firm
cerrazón: obstinacy; stupidity; dark and cloudy weather
cerril: headstrong; broken; uneven; untamed; unpolished
cerro: hill; neck; back; backbone
cerrojo: bolt
certamen: competition; literary contest
certero: accurate; good; well-aimed; well-directed; unerring; certain; sure; well-informed
certeza: certainty; certitude
certidumbre: certainty; certitude
certificado: registered; certification; certificate
certificar: to certify; to certificate; to guarantee; to register
cerumen: earwax; cerumen
cerval: deer; deerlike; miedo cerval: great fear
cervato: fawn
cervecería: pub; bar; brewery; alehouse
cerveza: beer; ale
cervical: of the neck; cervical
cérvido: cervid
cerviz: cervix; neck; nape of the neck
cesante: redundant; ceasing; on part day
cesar: to stop; to cease; to resign; to leave off; to leave a post
cesárea: Caesarean
cese: resignation; cessation; suspension
cesio: caesium; cesium
cesión: cession; transfer; conveyance; assignment
césped: grass; lawn; sward; sod; turf
cesta: basket; hamper; wicker scoop used in playing the game of pelota
cestería: wickerwork; basketmaking; basket shop
cesto: basket; washbasket; cestus
cetáceo: cetacean; cetaceous
cetrería: falconry; hawking
cetrino: sallow; greenish yellow; melancholy; citrine
cetro: sceptre; scepter; verge; perch
chabacano: common; vulgar; tasteless; tacky; in poor taste; coarse; vulgar
chabola: shack; cabin; shanty
chacal: jackal
chacha: maid; nanny; nurse; nursemaid
cháchara: chatting; talking; prattle; idle talk
chachi: brilliant; great
chacolí: light, dry wine made in the Basque Country, Cantabria and Chile
chacota: fun; noisy mirth
chacra: farm; smallholding
chafar: to squash; to crush; to spoil; to ruin; to disappoint; to flatten; to crumple; to rumple; to